urgent question about my clowns with ich


i was just looking at my fishtank and i saw little white spots starting to appear on my tank my immidiate response was ich so i have a QT tank getting ready for them i was just wondering cause i have 2 green chromis also should i treat them?
my other question is how should i treat them this is my first outbreak of anything!!
also do i have to treat the rest of my tank as well i have some corals will they be affected?
any responses will be appreciated i don't mean to sound like a spaz


New Member
Are the white spots on your tank or on your fish? If they are on your tank you are ok. Thats just copepods (I think that's what you call them)they're just little white bugs that live in your water. Are you quarentening all your fish for 3 weeks before putting them into your show tank? I hope so. If not you are running a risk of causing yourself more greif than you can imagine. Keeping these diseases from getting into your tank in the first place is always best.