

I have just done a water change on the tank, about 35%. Clown fish has started clinging to the glass at the top of the tank and appears to be gasping for air, also has a very erratic swimming pattern. Comet grouper has gone from black to grey in a manner of minutes, also appears to be swiming erratically, trying to get out of tank. ie swimming against the glass. Two blue devils ok. Have done standard tests ie nitrate and ammonia and everything is fine. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What kind of water did you use? RO/DO. If not did you de-chlorinate it?


How is everyone doing? Was the temperature the same, ph, etc.... I am sure you have run through all the tests in your head. I have changed my water before and it not be the same temp and just quickly poured it in and not had a problem. :thinking:


Active Member
Has your SG changed suddenly? Also it could just be shock from having their world rocked. Turn off the lights and let them rest. I'm assuming your pH, temp, etc are all in check.
My grouper did that when I did a major water change. He looked like he was going to die. I turned the lights off and did not feed him for 2 days and he got better. By not feeding you slow your fishes metabolism down and so they may do better to recouperate.


This is the strange thing, this water change is no different from any other water change. I bought the water from exactly the same place and followed exactly the same patterns as I have always done. Called the supllier today and he suggested acute ammonia poisoning, is it even possible????? It was a change over 20mins and when I tested the water it was fine. The thing I dont understand is why the grouper and the clown got ill adn the other 2 are fine!!!!!


What spider said is true, and damsels are very strong. thats why you can cycle your tank with them. And percs are part of the damsel family so they should be fine.


:happyfish hi, 35% is kinda high of a water change. But still that shouldn't cause your fish to freek. You either didn't mix well enough, or had somethin in the bucket. Sometimes salt levels go outa wack when your mixin, then settle lower or higher than you tested. Check that again. Sorry about your fish. Were they ok before you changed the water? Maybe they just need time to relax, just turn off lights is salinity is good, and let them relax. Sounds like there was somethin in the bucket though. Don't know what to tell ya. I'd ask banger guy directly he should know what to do for sure. Good luck, ali


I reccomend you ask about buying salt water from your LFS. Its natural from the ocean. You can also get fresh/RO water from there.


:happyfish I dono about cheaper, at least not in my area. I bought a ro machine, and mix myself. I don't trust any one of my local lfs stores 100%. It always seems I know more than they do. Kinda sounds like he didn't either declorinate or use reverse osmosis water for the water change. -ali


Im thinking it must be something in the water I got from the store, it is supposedly real sea water, but Im still sceptical. I asked one of the other LG stores in the area and they didn;t think much of that store.


Active Member
I had heard that it's not a good idea to use real sea water in a closed system because of all the parasites that could be present in it. Maybe your fish have some sort of bacteria. :confused:


Wouldn't think it would be bacterial since it happened within a few minutes. Most likely chemical.