

Don't know about the Rabbitfish, Tangs are hebervoires I feed my sailfin green seaweed strips twice a week. Daily I mix it up between chopped clam rolled in seaweed, chopped table shrimp, mysis shrimp and Formula 2 frozen cubes. I will soak the seaweed with fresh garlic juice next time I make them. I also blanch fresh spinach and feed as a treat. Have read frozen peas and broccoli as well but haven't tried them yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Thank you all very much, but could you all answer my question about keeping Tangs and Rabbitfish?
Also, it comes with a Gold-Banded Maroon Clownfish. I am not too sure abut whether I want it in my main tank. Will it fit in a 10 gallon tank?

Sorry, I went to the mall to go get my paycheck.
I'm sure if they have them together already that it won't be a problem.
Rabbitfish are very docile and sweet.
Maroon Clown can't go in a 10, only Perculas.

clown boy

Active Member
Thank you all for helping!
Two more questions:
1. Errrrr...... what do you mean by a "bio-load issue"?
2. If all that there is in the tank is Tangs, Rabbitfish, and a Blenny, what would eat the eggs? Is there an Invertebrate that might?


Active Member
i'm not sure it just seems like i heard somewhere about everything eating fisheggs i used to use them for bait(salmon eggs)when i lived in california like i said about the bio-load that is just my opinion no knowledge on the subject hell i'm still new to this myself


Active Member
I don't know about the invertibrate...
I'd hold off trying to breed clownies for a while. I hear it is a LOT of work.


Well I do not know anything about moving a tank-I am still learning how to maintain mine!! But I would think it could be very stressful for the fish if not done correctly. Do you have any friends who are fish store people-they may be able to help you-or hold your fish until you get everything reset up and check all your levels? Temperature and O2 are very important to maintain during the move. Please check out all your options and learn everything you can before the move! Good luck! :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
i have done the same thing i stated about the move myself just with a smaller tank if you take them to the lfs 1st the fish have the same stress going to the lfs then there is acclimation then there are new tankmates that might harass then there is the new trip home and the whole process starts over i think that is more stressful on the fish than what i suggested earlier i had no death, and within an hour or less everything was back to normal the car ride itself was 15 minutes vs. your 20-30 min jmo

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I'd hold off trying to breed clownies for a while. I hear it is a LOT of work.
I don't intend to breed, at least for now. I just want to have two clowns. :happyfish :happyfish

clown boy

Active Member
Thank you all so much. I think that this thread should become a sticky, because everyone getting into this hobby should know how to transport.

I'll let you know if the move goes successfully!


Active Member
As I said, if they're already IN the tank that you're buying, you shouldn't worry... They're nice fish. I'm a beginner and I have a Foxface Tang... *Shrug*

clown boy

Active Member
It's not them getting along that I'm worried about. It's just that I've heard that they can be rather sensitive fish to diseases and stress, especially because I know hardly anything about what water parameters should be.


Only thing I did'nt see was placement of tank in your home. You don't want to move it twice. Be sure of what it will become, calcium rx, top-off system and all the other extra stuff you might add. Make sure of where you put it so you can add/expand without moving again.


Originally Posted by dfreeman64
Only thing I did'nt see was placement of tank in your home. You don't want to move it twice. Be sure of what it will become, calcium rx, top-off system and all the other extra stuff you might add. Make sure of where you put it so you can add/expand without moving again.
Good point. I will add, I set mine up on a inside wall, tanks can have unstable temp on outside walls and in front of windows. Be careful of placement under/over airducts, baseboard heater, and direct sunlight. A dedicated outlet w/ a GFCI receptacle is recommended, just do your drip loops on chords and don't over load your breaker. 20amp is better than 15amp circuit. I gathered it was your first salt tank and you had FW experience, but just in case I added this. The reason you throw all that water away is to "sterilize as you go" from stress of the move. Spot clean the equipment, throw away old filter pads, syphon off that last 1" of water you leave on the sandbed, all these will help prevent stress and disease. I can't wait to get a 100+g tank. 3hrs left, are you ready?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by hardcrab67
3hrs left, are you ready?

Thanks for the advice.
If anyone else wants to comment, please do so!

clown boy

Active Member
Hi, everyone!

Sorry I couldn't get back to you all sooner.
We went to go look at the tank, but we found out that it was going to be a MUCH harder job than we thought. We estimated that if we did it then, we would be up till midnight.
It is a beauty! There are a ton of corals and live rock! The picture that I posted at the beginning of this thread was e-mailed to me before I went to go look at the tank, and they don't do it justice! It was an old picture, and since then they have almost completely COVERED the live rock with corals!
I know know the exact kinds and number of fish:
1 BIG Hippo Tang
1 Purple Tang (Almost as big as the Hippo!)
1 Rabbitfish (I am amazed at how fast they are!)
1 Orange Hogfish
1 Small Errrrrrrr........ Mystery Fish? (I'll have to post pictures of it later.)
1 Crab (Haven't seen him come all the way out yet, so I'm not sure what kind.)
A whole bunch of tiny (Like a 1/4 Inch) Starfish looking animals
Last but not least.........
A mated pair of Huge Dark Maroon Clownfish!

I am so excited!
(Sorry, I had to vent! :joy: )
Anyways, we are going to have a professional tank mover that knows what he is doing (He has several tanks of his own) help us move and set-up on Friday.
Can't wait!
I'll post a new thread with pictures as soon as I can!

clown boy

Active Member
I forgot to say that my point in posting that last post was to say that there is still more time for comments.

clown boy

Active Member
By the way, the Clownfish are currently hosting an anemone-like coral that I'm not sure what kind it is. It has short tenticles like a carpet anemone, but it has these bone-like things about 4 inches long at its base. It has several branches.
There also is an orange lettuce-like coral that I'm not sure about.
Anybody have any idea what kind?