Originally Posted by dfreeman64
Only thing I did'nt see was placement of tank in your home. You don't want to move it twice. Be sure of what it will become, calcium rx, top-off system and all the other extra stuff you might add. Make sure of where you put it so you can add/expand without moving again.
Good point. I will add, I set mine up on a inside wall, tanks can have unstable temp on outside walls and in front of windows. Be careful of placement under/over airducts, baseboard heater, and direct sunlight. A dedicated outlet w/ a GFCI receptacle is recommended, just do your drip loops on chords and don't over load your breaker. 20amp is better than 15amp circuit. I gathered it was your first salt tank and you had FW experience, but just in case I added this. The reason you throw all that water away is to "sterilize as you go" from stress of the move. Spot clean the equipment, throw away old filter pads, syphon off that last 1" of water you leave on the sandbed, all these will help prevent stress and disease. I can't wait to get a 100+g tank. 3hrs left, are you ready?