

New Member
specs: 7 gallon, 32 watt 50/50 + 15 watt actinic
okay started doing water change today.. changed 1/3rd of the water when i realized that i was out of saltwater mix to put back in the tank.. so i took some R/O freshwater and found some coralife salt which had been dried together i guess b/c of the humidity and crushed that apart and mixed it together to get my sw mix.. when i put the water in i think some of the grains of salt might have fell on the favia brain but didnt think too much of it.. well 6 hours later when i get home half the polyps to my favia are dead.. my lights were off and i just turned them on so i cant be too sure on how the other corals are doing.. so far the mushrooms arent looking good and neither is the bubble.. the salinity is at 1.021.. only a .001 drop from what is was before.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


you should not have put the water in if the salt was not fully dissolved. i have no clue why your corals are dying, but i know that pouring in half mixed salt mix is not a good thing.


I agree with alti, salt that is not dissolved is not good. Also, you have a 7 gallon? With a brain,bubble,shrooms etc... Are you really serious?:eek: :confused:


Active Member
how old is the tank ? And as sammy said, 33% is alot for a tank that small... on my 6 gallon i do about 2 cup fulls a week..


i accidentally dropped a couple grains of salt on a mushroom and you would have thought it was acid! it has been a few days now and it looks much better, but is still swollen in that spot--of course mushrooms are hardier than brains, but i can certainly say that pure salt + corals = bad
hope they recover


New Member
im thinking the salt did burn them.. there were some grains sitting on the brain that i didn't think much of, wasnt aware that it would hurt it like that.. normally i dont change that much of the water but the nitrates were at 40 and i wanted to get some of them out of there.. aside from that everything lives fine in there.. the bubble is in the sand and cant get anything from there.. the brain is(was) amazing.. ah well whats 150 bucks anyway.. and while im typing there is some slug-like looking thing in the lr spitting out a milky looking fluid.. hm.. any ideas what that is?