URGHH!!!!!!! I am so frustrated


I am trying so hard to do my tank right and I thought i was on my way to getting there until now. My salinity has been up around 1.026 and I wanted to get it to down. I took out 5 gallons and it went down to 1.025. My tank was about 3 quarters full after this so I added some tap water to the tank and then I was going to condition the water I added in the tank with stress coat when it was completely full.
Well, when I was adding the water it looked like I was adding gasoline :( , but it cleared up. I hope I did not kill off my life rock or live sand. Please someone inform me if I have made a mistake.
A frustrating hobby, but I hope it will soon turn to joy.
I just measured my salinity with my tank full and it is below 1.023(just barely). Well, at least on of my worries is gone, I hope. I am still concerned on the gasoline look my water took on for about 10 seconds when I was adding the water?
[ December 24, 2001: Message edited by: kyarnkid ]


:confused: Hmmm... thats interesting it didnt do that in my tank, was there something in the water? what about amonnia, nitrite etc. did you treat the water?
You have to remember you have a SALT water tank so if you add pure water yes it looks like gasoline but that's just the look. It's ok. One other thing don't use tap water it's not worth it. If you persist get your tap water tested and see if you tap water has high nitrate,ammonia etc. You never know. Mine was high in nitrate, which was a problem in my water. Your lfs should sell r/o water for about $.50 a gallon. It's well worth it if you can't afford a r/o unit like me. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I started with a tap water filter and it didn't work out.
I recommend you try you local food store (Safeway) mine has RO water for .64 cents a gallon. I plan on buying an RO/DI filter but my tap water is soo poor (treated and hard) that I probably will be replacing the filter material so often it will never be cost effective.


Walmart near me has water for .25 a gallon. personally i just bought a Ro/DI tALk to locals, there are always people upgrading and or getting out of the hobby. I picked upa abrand ner kent Ro/di for 80. it was still in the box. It makes life much easier. it all planes out to how much you time is worth. I lose about 5 gallons a week in my mian tank ans 4 in the others. I just have 2 5 gallon jugs of water just hanging around. I did not think that i needed a RO/Di when i started, but it makes life SOOOOOO much easier :) enjoy


Active Member
all the above are good, but i do have one question, your water container, is it unused, no cleaners of any kind have been in there?(ihope it is new)


Active Member
hang in there, it will get better, it does take time, but it will all be
trust us, we all go through the ruffs too
and one day, you'll look back and be OVERJOYED that you did it

karl nyhus

New Member
Yes waht looked like gasoline was inturn the illusion of the pure tap water to the saltwater, providing the temp was the same
Temputure varyations will cause that effect as well. Your salinity should stay fairly constant. Remember salt does not evaperate only water so you should not add premixed saltwater when your topping off for evaperation loss


i just set up my tank, and i mixed the salt with distilled water, and it did the gasoline thing. actually, for the first few hours it was in my tank it was doing that just right above the sand. it eventually went away though. nothing to worry about.