URI Bulbs and other Lighting Q's

I have purchase a Icecap Retro Kit w/URI Bulbs. I keep reading that these bulbs have internal reflectors. Does this completely eliminate the need for an added reflector? I am about to start a DIY canopy and am curious if Im going to incorporate this into my plans.
Also, when I get through with my canopy I will have 2x65w pcs(10K) and 2x110 vhos(actinic). That comes to a total of ~6.4w. Will this be able to sustain a good portion of corals? I know the next question is 'what do you want to keep?' My answer is I actually just want to add color to the tank, whatever that may consist of.
Thanks for the help!


Sounds like you have a 55 gallon tank. The 6.4 wpg will allow you to have in my opinion anything you want. The URI lights with internal reflector means the lamp will reflect all the output in 180 degrees. Basically all the light is reflected downward as long as thats the way you put the lamp in the socket, put upside down and the lamp reflects upward. Easy to see which way it goes. The provide you with the most light directing into the tank. No other reflector is needed. Keep in mind though that other lamps have 360 degrees output and would require a reflective surface or some of the lighting is lost. Having your canopy with a white of silver inside top will cover your needs. HTH


You will get more out of your bulbs if you have a very reflective surface behind them. I use the URI bulbs and I think there good but when you fire tham up you will see the whole bulb lights up that means light is excapeing form the back off the bulb why not reflect it back into the tank.
Any suggestions for a good DIY reflector??
Aluminum sheeting? or are there any good sites that make custom reflectors, I dont have a lot of room to play with.


I'm about to use mirrors for reflectors in my 180g tank with 4 160w VHOs. What about aluminum foil?
Im not sure, I contacted a lighting company who makes custom reflectors and got 2 46" reflectors for $17 a piece. Let me know if you want the name. Email me @ aturner@mail1.scottsboro.org