Use an HOB filter and skimmer on your big tank?


I just bought a 75 gal tank and i am just wondering how well they work for larger tanks?
I have a Bak Pak 2 protien skimmer and bio filter on my 29 gal tank and like it because its small.
What kind of systems are out there like this for larger tanks?
Any input would be nice.


Well i have a 75 gal that i am going to set up some day. And i have a 29 gal that is set up it has a Bak Pak 2 on it,
Do you think two of these would work well for a 75?
Well I know the Emp. 400 is rated to 80 gal and 400 GPH I think. I would use 2 Emp. 400 if it were me. The skimmer suggested is a good one. I see no probs with it. My frag tank seems happy with it on there. There is a mod if I can find it where they show you how to turn it in to a wet/dry kind of set up. I have even seen people use them as a fuge!


Active Member
no offence to the advocates, but i had the remora, and i thought it was a piece of junk. i would not recommend a remora series skimmer to an enemy. the EV series, i'm not sure about though.
the HOB skimmers i have had good results from are the super skimmers(coralife) and the aqua medic turbofloater.
i have also heard good things about the octopus HOB.
i use a HOB filter once in a while to run carbon. it's not unheard of on a large tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
no offence to the advocates, but i had the remora, and i thought it was a piece of junk. i would not recommend a remora series skimmer to an enemy. the EV series, i'm not sure about though.
the HOB skimmers i have had good results from are the super skimmers(coralife) and the aqua medic turbofloater.
i have also heard good things about the octopus HOB.
i use a HOB filter once in a while to run carbon. it's not unheard of on a large tank.
You know what your problem is? You didn't have a seaclone before you bought a aqua c
I remove a lot of junk from my 29 with my remora.


Active Member
steve. i would get about a quarter inch of skimmate a week, and my tank water was yellow, and full of microbubbles. and this was with the cup adjusted all the way down. and it also sounded like that thing they suck the spit out of your mouth with at the dentists office.

it was so annoying, we couldn't run it at night(it was the bedroom tank), so we had to put it on a freaken timer!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
steve. i would get about a quarter inch of skimmate a week, and my tank water was yellow, and full of microbubbles. and this was with the cup adjusted all the way down. and it also sounded like that thing they suck the spit out of your mouth with at the dentists office.

it was so annoying, we couldn't run it at night(it was the bedroom tank), so we had to put it on a freaken timer!
My water is crystal clear and I keep my cup as high as possible. Otherwise it would fill to the top daily. Mine is barely audible but I did remove the preskimmer because (living in Florida) I have a fan blowing 24/7 and the evaporation would lower my water and with the preskimmer it would make a slurping noise. I don't really have any bubbles blowing around in my tank. I clean my cup daily or every other day.
I just started a 72g and have an emperor 400, HOB octopus BH300 dual skimmer and 2 Koralia 3's pushing water around. Just live rock and sand for about 3 weeks now but I think it is going to work out good....we'll see. Didn't have room underneath for a sump and my tank is not drilled.


Active Member
i have a large cpr HOB refugium on my 90g...i mainly have it for growing pods not so much for filtration although i do have some macroalgea in there...running for 2 months and have a good amount of pods...waiting 2 more months for tank to mature till i'll try manderin goby...ppl usually don't want any HOB stuff cuz it looks ugly but my light fixture block the whole view to the rear so i can't even see it...


The only thing Emp. 400 is the dang salt creep I have one on my 55 and the salt creep is bad. I saw one on a 55 at the LFS that I think was a Eclipse and it had zero creep.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
steve. i would get about a quarter inch of skimmate a week, and my tank water was yellow, and full of microbubbles. and this was with the cup adjusted all the way down. and it also sounded like that thing they suck the spit out of your mouth with at the dentists office.

it was so annoying, we couldn't run it at night(it was the bedroom tank), so we had to put it on a freaken timer!
Your's must of been defective X. Mine works great. Tank is crystal clear and my cup fills up in about 7-10 days keeping it almost all the way up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by metweezer
You can get 2 emperor 400's and an aqua c remora pro. They both are HOB. My 2 cents
I think this would think this combo would work well on a 75; if you need to do HOB. I'm a big fan of Remora skimmers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kanima
The only thing Emp. 400 is the dang salt creep I have one on my 55 and the salt creep is bad. I saw one on a 55 at the LFS that I think was a Eclipse and it had zero creep.
Try adjusting the spray bar on your bio wheel. It should help with the salt creep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BizzMoneyB
Your's must of been defective X. Mine works great. Tank is crystal clear and my cup fills up in about 7-10 days keeping it almost all the way up.
defective? defective how? it's just a chamber with a maxijet connected to it.
have you had many skimmers to compare it to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BizzMoneyB
Mine works great. Tank is crystal clear and my cup fills up in about 7-10 days keeping it almost all the way up.
yeah but compared to what
remora pro's start at $230 with mag 3. it is a joke of a skimmer compared to a octopus NW200, turboflotor multi, ASM G1, AquaEuro 135 classic, Euroreef RS80 ect you can have for the same money or less. Likewise $165 will buy you several skimmers (I'll spare you the list) that will run circles around a regular remora.
Lets face it, the AquaCs are popular because there havent been any good low price hang on back skimmers. the good ones (deltec MCE600, Bermuda Rogue) have been in the $400-600+ range and the others have either sucked (prizm, bakbak) or are just bulky sump skimmers rigged with attachments to hang on (turboflotor,coralife,berlin, name your cylindrical skimmer here). they were and for the most part still are THEE small, affordable and not completely sucking hang on back skimmer designed from scratch to be a HOB. this is why the remora is THEE HOB skimmer while the EV series is just another choice of hundreds and the urchin basically only bought by people who cant fit anything else (and dont know about tunze). sure they work but for what you could get for the same money is reason alone to throw on a sump and be done with hang on back skimmers.
I'm sure octopus hob will run circles around the remora but if you have ever seen the way octopus air nipples attaches to the pump venturi you know its a floor full or water if it ever comes undone and draws all water up the skimmer (plus people seem to excessively complain of micro bubbles).
so with ALL that said I'd go with the deltec MCE300. Sure at $300 its overpriced to hell like all deltecs (it uses a $20 maxijet pinwheeled by them. not that there is anything wrong with that but the skimmer body and pinwheel must have gold flakes just based on the MJ off the shelf price). Anyway the point is if your going to spend too much the deltec is still more on the affordable side then aww hell no way, its small, designed better (pump in the skimmer not your aquarium) and like all deltecs does what they say it will do (which is handle 50-75g by deltec standards). once you past that size aquarium you need to stop messing around with these rinky dink skimmers anyway. you can cut the remoras ratings in half for what they should be used for (40g for the regular and 60g for the pro).