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Has anyone else used Chemi-Clean in a reef tank? What were your results after one night, after two, and long term? I administered the powder last night in the amouint listed on the directions. Before doing so, I siphoned out the bulk of my Cyano (reason for CC's use) using a turkey baster. Tonight, all of my fish are fine. My clam is fine. My Xenia looks almost normal. My Pipe Organ coral looks good. My Colt Coral looks normal. However, my Green Star Polyps are about 1/2 open and less green than normal. My Yellow Polyps tentacles are dramatically shriveled although the stalks are normal length. Both of my Mushroom Rocks are very shriveled and one mushroom has dropped loose. My Orange Zooanthids are almost entirely closed. The Cyano that I did not siphon out is largely gone. Did anyone else notice any impact to their reef creatures? Was this temporary? Did you have losses? Did the Cyano come back? I now realize I should have gotten these questions answered before using the product. I have always avoided all additives except Kalk. I have heard repeatedly the Chemi-Cleam was reef safe. I do not use a skimmer in my tank. What have you all seen in your tanks? Thanks for the help.