Use of Chemi-Clean in a reef tank

ed r

Has anyone else used Chemi-Clean in a reef tank? What were your results after one night, after two, and long term? I administered the powder last night in the amouint listed on the directions. Before doing so, I siphoned out the bulk of my Cyano (reason for CC's use) using a turkey baster. Tonight, all of my fish are fine. My clam is fine. My Xenia looks almost normal. My Pipe Organ coral looks good. My Colt Coral looks normal. However, my Green Star Polyps are about 1/2 open and less green than normal. My Yellow Polyps tentacles are dramatically shriveled although the stalks are normal length. Both of my Mushroom Rocks are very shriveled and one mushroom has dropped loose. My Orange Zooanthids are almost entirely closed. The Cyano that I did not siphon out is largely gone. Did anyone else notice any impact to their reef creatures? Was this temporary? Did you have losses? Did the Cyano come back? I now realize I should have gotten these questions answered before using the product. I have always avoided all additives except Kalk. I have heard repeatedly the Chemi-Cleam was reef safe. I do not use a skimmer in my tank. What have you all seen in your tanks? Thanks for the help.


I did not use chemi-clean, but used Red Slime Remover. My flowerpot had a dramatic reaction within 20 mins. It retracted completely for 24 hours. I was starting to get worried, but it slowly started expanding, and after 4 days, it is fully expanded again and happy as ever. All of my other corals and inverts showed no reaction at all. I don't know how similar the two products are, but if they are, your corals should be ok after a few days.


Active Member
I have used chemi clean without any adverse effects. You need to figure out why you are getting the cyno in the first place. Tap water and overfeeding are the main culprits.


I've used chemi-clean recently on my 200 gallon tank. I used it with repeated phase. I saw no change with my corals, but of course I saw no change in the algae. It didn't work, any suggestions. It'll be 24 hours tonight since the second application. I'm ready to do a water change. Of course, I still have the algae problem.

ed r

I have an update with bad news on my tank. Yesterday two days after treatment, my fish were distressed. Both Maroon clowns showed a cloudiness in their eyes and some of their skin. Their breathing was labored. My Hippo Tang was also breathing hard. My Royal Gramma was hiding and has not been seen since. I tested for nitrite and nitrate. Both came back as zeros. I did a 5g water change (55g tank). I went and got more water and soon after changed another 8g. Today both clowns and the hippo have died. I have still not seen the Royal Gramma. I assume it is dead or dying. The corals actually are looking a little better. The Green Star polyps are a little smaller than usual. The Xenia looks very good. The feather dusters, snails, and conchs seem to be fine. The cyano is gone. My mushroom rocks still look awful. The orange zooanthids and yellow polyps are slightly improved, but not close to normal. I have not changed anything in the tank other than to use the Chemi-Clean. I added 2-1/2 slightly heaped measuring spoons of the powder to the tank. The directions said one level spoon per 10 gallons. I do not think I exceeded that amount. I obviously did not retreat the tank after 48 hours, which the instructions say can be done. What went wrong? One thing I wish I had done differently (other than not using CC at all) would have been to disolve the powder in a glass of tank water and add the water to the tank. I added the powder to the tank directly. Some of the powder floated and the clowns checked it out. I did not notice them eating it directly, but that is the only thing I can think of that I could have done wrong. Any ideas? I think my corals will survive. The mushroom rocks may not make it. I am confident that all four fish are gone. I did not realize that there was any risk of this type when I started. What a disappointlment.


Ed - veru sorry to hear about that. I was going to try that product but after reading this, I'll wait. Maybe you saved my fish by posting this - thanks
BTW, I always dissovle anything in a bucket of water and then add it just to be safe. I guess that's why I need to get a sump.

ed r

The polyps, both the Orange Zooanthids and the Yellow Polyps seem to be improving. One of the mushroom rocks has improved a little. At this point, I have lost the four fish and expect to lose the other mushroom rock. I think all of the other corals and assorted inverts will make it. It is very sad and upsetting to have lost the fish. The tank actually looks pretty good, now that the cyano is gone. If the corals open more fully, it will be great. However, if I had known that it would cost me my fish, I would never have done it.:(

ed r

Five days after using the Chemi-Clean, the corals have recovered and look normal. I lost about four individual mushrooms, but some on both rocks recovered. The loss of all the fish was a major blow, but the tank now looks great for one with no fish.:(


I have had no problems with their product personally. My tank went through a bloom so I dosed it as recommended and left it for 36 hours instead of 48 hours as recommended. I then did a 20% water change, ran my skimmer and added boyds carbon as well. Since then all the cyno is gone and the tank looks great. This was about a month ago and I have seen no ill-effects including loss of life. Just my two cents. ;)