Use Pelletized Food Only???


Active Member
Can I use a combination of different pelletized foods only for my fish in what will be come a 29 Gal Reef Tank? I am leery about putting anything in the tank that will have some bacteria on it. How about these foods (all pellets): Omega 1 (with garlic), Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 & 2, Tetra Color Tropical Granules and Tetra Micro Crabs.
I plan on having a False Percula, a Blue Green Chromis, a Royal Gramma and a Lawnmower Blenny. All will be bought small size. This way, as they grow, I can say "Honey, we need a bigger tank"

Thanks, Steve


Active Member
I personally lean more towards frozen foods or fresh prepared foods over pellets. I USED to feed pellets, now I just feed it to them every so often, mainly feed pellets to crabs and who ever doesn't get enough food since my fish are hogs tearing up all the frozen food before they even reach bottom....Watch that Royal Gramma, they tend to be mean......



Originally Posted by metweezer
Can I use a combination of different pelletized foods only for my fish in what will be come a 29 Gal Reef Tank? I am leery about putting anything in the tank that will have some bacteria on it. How about these foods (all pellets): Omega 1 (with garlic), Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 & 2, Tetra Color Tropical Granules and Tetra Micro Crabs.
I plan on having a False Percula, a Blue Green Chromis, a Royal Gramma and a Lawnmower Blenny. All will be bought small size. This way, as they grow, I can say "Honey, we need a bigger tank"

Thanks, Steve

Pellets are something that fish would have to become accustomed to and they don't realy want to. Pellets are not natural to them. Certain fish such as aquacultured clowns or other damsel fish, may adapt to them readily, but most fish will not. Buy frozen formula foods or you can make your own. Here is Beth's homemade recipe