Used seaclone skimmer question


New Member
I recently purchased a used seaclone protein skimmer for $30.
I installed it on my 55 Ga fish only set up and it started foaming like a crazy.
After a week the cup was filled at 1/5 with black water but i noticed it wasn't producing anymore.
So i emptied the cup and after 4 days there is barely a little bit of foam and nothing accumulates in the cup.
The skimmer seems to be working fine.
My tank has been setup for about 4 months and contains 2 damsels, 4 small gobies, 2 hermits and a juvenile french angel.
Is it possible the skimmer removed all that could be removed already?
Thanks for helping

mr . salty

Active Member
Two things come to mind,,,#1,yes it could have removed the accumulated waste in the tank already.Your tank is very young,and may not yet have an overabundance of excess protiens and waste yet...#2,The seaclone is not the best skimmer on the market.There are alot of people out there that have had little to no luck getting them to work at all...Try letting it run for a few more days,and if it still doesn't seem to be working shut it down compleatly for a week or so.Then try it again.It could very well be that the tank is not yet ready for a skimmer yet...


Staff member
Salty is absolutely right about the quality [or lack of quality] of the Seaclone, as well as the fact that if there's nothing to skim then its not going to skim. My take is that, due to poor quality of the skimmer, it will skim extreme excesses of pollutants, but won't go beyond that. To get it going again, you could try readjusting the venturi.


New Member
I have a SeaClone myself and to this point am pleased with it. It will go through stages of not skimming so I wouldn't worry about making adjustments just yet.
Also, you'll hear lots of people say that the SeaClone is a low-tier skimmer. For me, that's exactly what I wanted, as I am of the opinion that "effecient skimming" is bad for my corals. Good luck.


Active Member
A newer model seaclone will work great and is actually a very good skimmer. Seeing as how you have bought a used one you may have the old model and that model has some design flaws.
What makes a good skimmer is the amount of time the tiny bubbles are in contact with the water. On the older model seaclone skimmers the riser tube in the center was too long and the contact time for the tiny bubble was limited. Also the older models came with a smaller pump making them less efficient.
If the center riser tube on your skimmer extends almost to the top then you have an older model seaclone.
Do a search on a major search engine for seaclone modifications and you will find ways to correct the older models.
If the riser tube in the center extends only a few inches then you have the latest model and all should be well unless the pump is worn out or your adjustments are way off.
From what you have described above I tend to like MR.SALTY's #1 explenation.