Using a Buffer for ph


New Member
I'm new to the salt water reading about using a "Buffer", I'm not sure exactly how to use it. I was hoping for some direction.


Active Member
What is the pH level in your tank?
How old is your tank and has it cycled?


New Member
Right now the ph is 8.2 It is a new tank that I just set-up. I used live sand and a bio-additive to cycle the tank. I just added a blonde naso tang, volitan lion and maroon clown. Any suggestions?


You state that you "just set it up" how long ago was this? I ask because buffering may not be your biggest concern right now!!


New Member
I set it up this week end. I put in the live sand and bio-additive Friday night and added the fish on Saturday. the guy at the fish store said this was no problem...


Active Member
LFS guys like that should be put out of business. Your tank still needs to cycle 4-6 weeks to build up enough bacteria to sustain the bio load. Adding those fish to even a well established tank all at once would be overkill to say the least. Please do a search on the forum for cycling a tank and research, research and when your done researching, research some more. Its is not your fault, common knowledge would say that the LFS guys should know what he is talking about. In a way i guess its good for business to give bad advice as when fish die you buy more.....pretty bad attitude from self proclaimed experts.


This is only MY opinion, & somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but you need to go back to your fish store, slap that guy clean in the mouth, suggest that he read or quit, and then leave, here's why...
Your tank didn't cycle yet, which means that the anticipated ammonia spike can kill those fish you put in there. Exception to this rule would be that your LS is fully cured and the trip home from the store is quite short. Now if that is the case you still have the matter of adding 3 fish at once without quarantine. Right now the qt isn't as much concern as the ammonia. If you are going to keep those fish in that tank, TEST your water frequently and be prepared to do many water changes. However, about your buffering question... Most people can do water changes to correct their ph. Some people drip Kalkwasser. And some add regular buffer, which the instructions to add should be on the back. Just be sure to test, when I added regular buffer, my dkh went to 11.0, while my calcium stayed at 300. (I don't know if that was bad for a FOWLR) but the dkh kept going up without raising my ph & I would have kept on adding until who knows what would happen if it weren't for this sight!!


Active Member
The guy at the fish store is wrong. As said by others you cannot put them fish in a few day old tank and expect anything but trouble.
There is a million to one chance that everything survives, i hope it happens.


I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune. I hope you stick with the hobby. Now that you found this website PLEASE ask questions and give your tank time..IT'S WORTH IT:happyfish

barry cuda

Yeah, that's one horrible store. I can't believe how common it is for the LFS to outright lie to beginners (of which I am one too, not trying to be condescending here). Even the worst store I've been to here in San Antonio hasn't tried to pull something like that on me.
Doncheecho, I'd suggest you take those fish back and demand your money back. As others have been pointed out, an unscrupulous dealer is trying to take advantage of you being a beginner. Once the tank cycles, then you can put those same funds in the pocket of a responsible dealer, provided you can find one who will give you straight advice. I haven't ordered from this site, but I hear great things about their livestock.
And keep asking questions here. There are plenty of friendly people on this board who want to help you have a positive experience with fishkeeping, instead of the really unpleasant one the LFS is setting you up for. I hope we'll continue seeing you around the board.


New Member
Thanks to all for your input. I'm sad to hear my new fish don't have much of a chance, especially since they seem to be doing so well now. I wish I had asked this question last week prior to investing in these fish. I will do numerous water changes and hope for the best...


New Member
OMG!! What an axx ! I considered myself so lucky when the cycle of my tank came and gone so quickly. Still I have to wait for almost a month, with lots of lr and ls!!
Your alternative would be to ask a friend that has a saltwater tank who can help babysit your fishes while your tank is being cycled!!
Good luck!!