Using amquel in a reef tank....


Originally Posted by bmeeder
Using this to reduce nitrates would have what kind of impact in a reef aquarium?
Do not use amqel in a reef. Do some waterchanges and set up a refugium for long term success.


Active Member
Amquel does not remove nitrates from the water. Amquel + (which is made for saltwater as well) does. It does not actually remove it. It simply detoxifies it. If you are using it in your make-up water, I would simply suggest purchasing an RO/DI unit to avoid putting phosphates among other things in your tank. If you are using it to remove nitrate build up of an existing tank, it will not remove them. The only sure way to remove them is by doing water changes.


What about doing 25% water changes every three days to reduce the nitrates to 0. Would that be too much stress on teh fish and corals?


Originally Posted by bmeeder
What about doing 25% water changes every three days to reduce the nitrates to 0. Would that be too much stress on teh fish and corals?
Not at all. Be sure the temp, ph, and SG match. They will not go to zero though. You will need a refuge for that. It can be hang on or a compartment in your sump.


I have a spare hang on the back refugium in my garage. Its measurements are;;
height 12 inch
length 14 inch
width 4.5 inch
Would this be sufficient enought for a 100 gallon tank?