using crushed coral

earl mosby

New Member
iam in the process of converting a fish only tank into a reef
tank 75 gal the floor is CC and i was wondering if i had to
replace it with live sand or mix the two or just leave it be.
its full of worms and creature now
if i did have to replace how? could someone help? :(

earl mosby

New Member

Originally posted by earl mosby
iam in the process of converting a fish only tank into a reef
tank 75 gal the floor is CC and i was wondering if i had to
replace it with live sand or mix the two or just leave it be.
its full of worms and creature now
if i did have to replace how? could someone help? :(


Active Member
Do a search and read the many posts there to help you decide. Welcome the the board.:)


Active Member
You can use the CC it is fine!!! There have been many successful systems that have used CC in the past, and there will continue to be as well...just remember to keep it clean, get a solid clean up crew DO NOT over stock DO NOT over feed and you will be just fine!!!

earl mosby

New Member
thanks ruaround
i just want to be sure before i start adding a cleanup crew
then coral, then fish. there is nothing in my tank now but
100+ lbs of live rock and the CC floor the tanks been up
for five years with the same CC, its was removed and cleaned and i added the new live rock and its been cycling for about 8 weeks so i should be ready to go foward .