Using liquid calcium to incease? Bang, Kip, anyone!

Hey guys,
I recently bought Kent liquid calcium to increase calcium in my 55. I tested it and it's at ~260. dKH is about 12 and pH is 7.8. I figured from everything I've read on the boards the pH may be low because of the low calcium (it's always been 7.8 - 8.0... more 7.8 than anything else though).
So anyway, I got the liquid calcium and the instructions seem to imply it's a supplemental product for replenishing calcium consumed by the inhabitants on a daily basis. It suggests 1/4 to 1 tsp daily for every 50 gallons tank capacity.
Now the questions:
1. Can anyone tell me how long it'll take to get to 450ppm at 1 tsp/day?
2. Is it safe to add anymore than the suggest amount at a time, to speed things up a bit?
3. Is there a dosing amount that anyone is aware of (with this product) that's geared toward increasing the calcium when it's really low as opposed to just replenishing small amounts?
Thanks :)


Active Member
HI there,
I dose only when need to to top up my kalkwasser.
I wouldnt put that much in at all, it all depends on how much your system uses. I have a 70g and one capful a night is good if Im trying to raise the Ca to 450 or so.

Originally posted by timsedwards
HI there,
I dose only when need to to top up my kalkwasser.
I wouldnt put that much in at all, it all depends on how much your system uses. I have a 70g and one capful a night is good if Im trying to raise the Ca to 450 or so.

trying to raise it from what though? I'm trying to go from 260 to 450... I added in a tsp yesterday and it barely moved.


Its simple to bump up the calcium deficancy that you have, and it really isn't in a bottle additive.
Just do a large water change 30% this week and 30% next week.


Active Member
I have used the liquid CA additives and found that they are ok to maintain CA but to raise it like in your case, powders always worked way better for me. I use seachem reef advantage calcium & it works great for me. Each time I dose it raises my CA by about 40ppm by adding 4 tsp to my 120 gal system. That dose is 1 tsp more then reccomended in the directions BTW. But I have had great luck with it so far...6 months of use. I also would strongly reccomend testing your Magnesium first as it is very difficult to raise CA if your Mag is low. I keep my mag about 1400. Just my .02, good luck!
Ok guys, thanks for the input...
Thomas, now that you've replied, that reminds me... I should test freshly mixed water for it's calcium reading. I use IO and have NEVER been able to get my pH above 8.0 without supplementing some how... and I've tried everything as far as the water is concerned.. I use RO/DI. I aerate the freshwater 1 day. I aerate the saltwater 1 - 2 days... and it never goes up..... I just mixed some extra water up and put it away for my next water change.... I'll aerate that and test it's calcium. I've read on another thread or two that people have been screwed with batches of IO with low calcium before... and after reading some of your older posts, it wouldn't surpise me...



Originally posted by ThankGod4Fish
Ok guys, thanks for the input...
Thomas, now that you've replied, that reminds me... I should test freshly mixed water for it's calcium reading.

What else can I say but.