Using Tap Water?

jon in tx

A swf book I'm reading indicates that tap/city water can probably be used on tanks with no corals. I'm considering trying in my fish only tank. They said the key is to aereate, use declorinating drops and to leave water out for at least a week (and of course, quality salt mix).
Regaring aereating, could I get a small aquarium bubble/air pump and stick it in my water containers to effectively aerate the water?
Any suggestions, success or failure stories with using tap water?


Active Member
I personally wouldnt use tap, but if you are, and you are planning on letting the water sit for a few days before putting it in your tank you wont need the dechlorinating drops. The chlorine in the water dissipates as a gas pretty quickly


Any suggestions, success or failure stories with using tap water

I wouldn't do this for many reason including massive problems with algae, with tap water you really don't know what you are putting in your tank . Not to mention I know lots of people who will not drink there own tap water yet expect there fish to live in it. Think about that for a minute.


Active Member
We have a well and used that with the AquaSafe. First day we put 2 bags of crushed coral and 1 bag of live sand in and added the water. 5 days later added 50lbs of live rock. Before the live rock went in water levels were perfect. I know that tap water is a lot different than well water and I'm not sure if we would have used that.