uuugggghhh DeathCo!!!


Yes, I know how we all hate *****, but tonight I had no choice but to go there. (I have pot belly pigs and they sell snacks for them). Anyhow, I stopped by the saltwater dept. and noticed they had some beautiful fish, but that all the tanks had a nasty white film over the top and they also had a lot of dead fish in the tanks. None of their fake clowns were swimming and out of about 10 tanks there were at least 2 dead fish in each tank. So I asked the woman if they quarantined their fish and how long and she looks at me real funny and says "yeah, we quarintine them anywhere from 30-45 minutes". Not kidding, that's actually what she told me. Not to mention that they had large breeds of fish in tiny little tanks with other large fish. It was horrible!!!! Just thought I would share my experience. By the way, my husband, who doesn't mess with our tanks at all and knows nothing about them except "they're pretty" actually stood there and forbid me to ever buy a fish from them! :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by meisacao
Yes, I know how we all hate *****, but tonight I had no choice but to go there. (I have pot belly pigs and they sell snacks for them). Anyhow, I stopped by the saltwater dept. and noticed they had some beautiful fish, but that all the tanks had a nasty white film over the top and they also had a lot of dead fish in the tanks. None of their fake clowns were swimming and out of about 10 tanks there were at least 2 dead fish in each tank. So I asked the woman if they quarantined their fish and how long and she looks at me real funny and says "yeah, we quarintine them anywhere from 30-45 minutes". Not kidding, that's actually what she told me. Not to mention that they had large breeds of fish in tiny little tanks with other large fish. It was horrible!!!! Just thought I would share my experience. By the way, my husband, who doesn't mess with our tanks at all and knows nothing about them except "they're pretty" actually stood there and forbid me to ever buy a fish from them! :jumping:
I think I probably went to the same store a couple of months ago and they had like 100 yellow tangs in ONE tank. ALL COVERED IN ICH. Ha!

sinner's girl

Sorry to say, but I'll be buying my fish from there. I'm not paying $50 for a pair of clown from the petstore in town. We've had could luck with clowns and damsels from *****. I never buy a fish if any look sick or dead though.


Active Member
All Petcos are owned by corporate in San Diego. There is no local ownership or franchise owners. Live animal sales makeup less than 10 percent of gross profits. As far as their bottom line goes, they could care less if you buy live animals. Over 90% of gross profits will come from dried goods , supplies, food, etc.
They keep live aniamls fors sale in order to coax folks into the store. By puchasing anythng from this chain you support them all and perpetuate the status quo . Not all Petcos are bad......but you will probably find these condtions in many.
Best to speak with your wallet and take you money elsewhere.


Active Member
I bought my trigger at deathco. He was in a tank with six other niger triggers a snow flake eel . it was about a ten gallon tank. I had to save him .
The tank next to it had a lunar wrase and 3 yellow tangs same size .


1. The girl you talked to was confusing quarantine with acclimation which is why you got such a strange answer. As far as I know no ***** anywhere has quarantine tanks.
2. ScubaDoo is right in that all Petcos are owned by corporate. I would really encourage you to go to their website and lodge a complaint right away!! Our local fish club went to corp, had a fit over the fish, and really got a fire lit under a few folks.
3. Yes, putting the types of fish together that people are talking about here is a no-no but just FYI Petcos actually only have a very few tanks that are upwards of 200 gallons each. They look like a lot of smaller, maybe 10 gallon, tanks because they're divided but they share the same system, same sump. Go in and ask to see the setup under the tanks where the sumps are and have someone who knows about them tell you.

fish tv

I have never seen a LFS with a quarentine tank Fish are priced on the fact that some of them are going to die somewhere along the supply chain. It doesn't matter if it is a large chain like *****, a franchise or indepenantly owned. The fish doen't stay in the store long enough to quarantine as they will lose their profit.
I have seen some stores add a not for sale sign on a few tanks, but the sign doesn't stay up long enough for a true quarantine.


Active Member
I've never seen a fish store with qt tanks either. To be pratcical stores must use large filtration systems that control many tanks.
I wouldn't buy water from ***** if I was dying of thirst. If I have to pay double at a lfs I will. My favorite lfs doesn't qt fish, but they will put a hold on any that aren't eating until they get them to eat frozen. It's nice to see.


my regular lfs does actually have quarantine tanks. Yes, i've seen them. They only quarantine for 5 days but they at least do something. My initial post was just to let everyone know of my experience with *****. They have just moved into OKC, they haven't been here long at all and I have actually only been in the store twice, but in those two times have noticed how poorly they care for their fish. They do not have a knowledgable staff by any means. None of the people that work there can tell you anything about the fish that they carry and a majority of them don't even know what the hell kind of fish you are talking about unless you point it out and tell them what it is.


Not to pile on *****, but the one by me hires a private service to take care of their tanks. :notsure: They don't know enough to maintain their own tanks let alone give advice to the public. :scared:


Active Member
Well the not so local fish store about 45 minutes across town on a good day has QT tanks in the back. I have seen them treating fish with Ick and such, Nothing out in the show room is even close to sick. they have big healthy fish with big healthy prices. They are the only store in town with eggs big enough to sell morish idols. and these are nice big healthy ones too.


Originally Posted by pitbull01
Where on the mitten is that? I live in a suburb outside of Grand Rapids-Grandville.
metro detroit area


My ***** had a Coral Beauty with a bad case of parasites,Most of the tanks haad dead fish sitting in the bottom. The only healthy ones i saw were Damsels and Chromis. But I dk of anywhere else to go,it's the only LFS i have in my town!


They're supposed to have specialists in each animal area that DO know something about the animals they're taking care of. Since yours is so new maybe they haven't trained anyone or found someone to take on that position yet. Still they should NOT have these problems and again, I would encourage you to report it! You'd be doing the fish a big favor!
Our local ***** has "not for sale" signs on about 20 tanks or so right now because they have an ich outbreak and are doing a good job treating it. I think some Petcos ARE good with people that care. Corp. policy is to take excellent care of all their animals and they do go to greater lengths to try and assure that, moreso than any other large chain store I've seen. I think it all depends on the quality of the employees at the individual stores since corp. can't be everywhere at once.
Report it. Corp. will listen and look into it. You may save the lives of many fish!!
I saved a regal tang from them and he is doing fine. I would not go there for fish but I was just getting feeders for my frog and happened to look at the saltwater and I had to save him for getting tortured and mangled by this Huma trigger.