uuugggghhh DeathCo!!!


Active Member
Not trying to defend *****, but if it bothers you have you tried emailing customer service about what you see in regards to conditions there? Our local ***** has a wonderfully maintained saltwater section however the freshwater section is not the best........and when you get to the feeder fish (goldies etc) and other larger pond type fish (koi etc) its even worse. Therew is one person who does the saltwater section by herself, as well as reptiles, and the fresh water is left to another person however the person that handles the sw end does what can be done in the fresh as well....I had seen some things in the FW section that did not set right (brutal netting of fish, and grabbing fish from nets by use of hands, dropping them on the floor, etc etc) and my mentioning it to the person that was doing this went through one ear and out the other........All it took was one email to ***** headquarters, and I had a return email not only from them but also the district manager and the sotre manager within 48 hours, all wanting to get my phone number so they could talk to me.......I provided my phone number and they did call, and I have to say they rectified the problems immediately.......I would not hessitate to buy ***** FW or SW fish from that store, and its certainly a lot cheaper by better than 50% to 100% from what the locally owned lfs charge for the same thing......A lot of the stuff the local ***** gets in are what customers ask for..........and most any if not all ***** will order what you want and place it on their list, so what exactly ou see in the tanks is not necessarily what they are stocking up on. I seen a heap of tangs in one tank and a huge mess of BTA, right after they got a shipment in, but by that evening or next morning the tangs were all gone as were the BTA.........and the tanks were stocked with reasonable inhabitants........I don;t want to sound like I am defending actins by *****, as I am not, but their intent is not to sell sick fish or overstock tanks......Try and special order a sw or fw fish from a lfs and they want a deposit, ***** does it all without one, or at least my local ***** will.....I just have reservations on paying $30 for a clown when a like fish in ***** costs $13.........and its equally healthy. I know ***** does not have a warranty per se on sw fish like they do on FW fish, but they told me if I ever had problems they wold make things right........so a lot depends on the management of the store in that regard, but if yu got a complaint with their store, email corporate headquarters at a minimum, and see what does or does not improve.


My local ***** is not to bad, there is atleast someone there that enjoys the hobby, although i have seen some things that just worried me, they had a lion in with about 15 damsels, I pulled the kid over and asked ( are you trying to get that lion to eat?)
He looked at me all confused, LOL so i explained to him that lions eat other fish and you have given him a buffet!
I went back 2 days later and the lion was dead, what a shame!

If they are trained or not, it matters not, they have to care about what they are doing, and putting a 17 yr old kid in these departments is a waste, Most kids just don't care, they are just trying to earn some partying money!
But like it has been said, if you are that disturbed, talk to the managment or email corporate headquarters, that's what i do.


i just wanted to say that my lfs does quarantine fish for 1 week, not that it seems to help though. I dont buy fish from my lfs though anymore because i found buying fish from this site and other local fish keepers is cheaper and the fish are healthier.