

Every fish i buy just dies, except the two clown fish. I check my water paramiters often and they are fine. My ammonia went up for a little but I got it back down. I've had a red slime problem but it's going away. I have also recently taken out some of the crushed coral in my tank, I'm slowly going to change it to sand. What could be the problem? I know it's not lighting because it's just fish. What could be wronge with my tank set up? The filter is a wet dry...


Active Member
how many times has this happened?
how are you acclimating the fish?
how long do they usualy die?
when you buy them, are they eating at the store?
what are your other levels, besides amonia?
i have no idea, and i doubt anyone else does, there are too many verables. Someone who might know would probably need more information first.


also how old is your tank. if ur tank is farely new and you only got crushed coral as a substrate then that could be the reason. if you setup a new tank it is best to use live sand.


Lol it took me about a year to figure out that the cc isn't a good thing, The tank is about a year old
nitrates and nitrites are both at 0 ph is 8
How long do they usually die? I don't really under stand , but they last from months to a week in the tank, the shortest is a week. I've also noticed that there is a white thing on their eyes, like the skin on their eyes peels, right now there is a rusty angel going though the horrible thing
My dad thinks it's some sort of parasite. Well right now i can't get a pic of the angel but i'll try. His eyes look like they are peeling, one of his fins has gone, like been torn away, i guess ( kinda like in the movie finding nemo, nemos fin, it looks like that) Only with white


damn that doesn't sound good at all...okhere's what i would do to be honest...put all your fish in a qt tank. medicate them in the qt tank, but while ur doing that...hope u don't have inverts or corals if you don't you can leave your fish in the tank this won't hurt them....do water changes without adding salt until the salinity is between 1.010-1.014. the lower the better. leave it like that for at least 2 weeks. then gradually bring the salinity up. this is called hyposalinity. what it does is anything that is a microorganism or parasite will die because they can't withstand low salinity and this sounds like either a bacteria or a parasite. medicate the fish with a medication that is used for bacteria and parasites. there are a couple out there. good luck.


ok thank you for the advice, but will the the fin eventually grow back and will the eye get better? I really love this fish and i don't want him to die he has a great personality


should get better because it will kill nething bad you have in the tank. when it does kill everything in the tank a good thing to add to the tank is melifix because it helps with fin growth and open sores and stuff like that...good luck


lol i posted this in the wronge page... Bad news: The angel ended up dieing
I'm so angry. I found him after i came home from school. Even more bad news the only reason i'd have known he was gone, my star fish was on top of the body of the angel, i only say the head. My cc star was eating the angel grrr. I examind the eyes of the angel, only thing i could really see, they weren't really there. If this is a parasite it isn't a good one. I don't understand it though any new fish i get just die, but the clowns i have are not harmed at all their doing fine. Also the star he is a chocolate chip star and right now there is all these white dots all over his body... I don't think stars get ich?


you can't really see the white dots that well the camera wouldn't really zoom and focus on them. Well you can kinda see the angels eyes they are white....


Well i actually had a bad case of ich before.
Everything was killed except my clowns and the damsels.
The y tang and g chromis didn't make it.
My clowns handled it the best.
Did you see the parasites.
Signs of ich are salt looking parasites,scratching,and abnormal breathing.
Inverts are not affected.
I would check the disease forum for more info .


i know it's not ich, whats on the star fish looks like ich... There are no white spots or any thing like that... This is really puzzling to me all that i can think of is that is a parasite... I've looked on the internet and everything this book that i've bought...