UV and Hair alage


OK Now I was wondering how long I shoul run the UV and how ofton, every day, every other day. Also, I jsut noticed that in my tank there is some hair alage growing on the sand. I have an emerald crab, but he is fairly new and hides all of the time, so, is there anyother way to get rid of hair alage besides a lawnmower belnny or any gish for that matter?? coul I get some snails to clear it up and if so, what kind? (Also I jsut started adding some liquid calcium stuff this week and the hair alage started showing up around when I started adding it) COuld this be a factor to the alage?? ANd trates are a little hight like .2 im doing a water change this weekend.


astrea snails will help reduce algae, along with lots of others, so will regular water changes, preferably weekly, also a protein skimmer will help keep excess nutrients out of the water, before they turn into algae food
I doubt your adding calcium had much to do with it, what are your calcium levels at, out of curiousity?


I read in a book not long ago that limpets(keyholes) or chitons would graze on algae. The algae grows because there is something in the water that's not supposed to be in it like protein which the algae feeds on. Do partial water changes weekly or twice a week and it will go away.


organism Im not sure of my levels i am getting a test tommarow for it now im jsut adding the least amount of calcum in there. and does anyone know how long i should keep my uv on for??