uv light?


New Member
im running a uv 15 watt uv light in my qt tank with kick ich now my question is does my light mess with the effectiveness of the ich medication?

who dey

Active Member
it's very possible that it could. you should run it in the main tank where the undesirable parasites are to expedite the burnoff process.


Staff member
Not really, since that medication is basically worthless anyway.
Sorry, didn't mean to sound mean.....if you have a QT, then go hyposalinity.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Not really, since that medication is basically worthless anyway.
Sorry, didn't mean to sound mean.....if you have a QT, then go hyposalinity.
i meant"run the uv in the display tank during hosp. to possibly expedite the ick burn-off"


I don't think it will hurt the medication. HYPO is the way to go if you have ick. I guess copper is okay too but not in your main tank. I see UVS in main tanks so it will kill free swimmming parasites and bacteria. Sometimes it kills bacteria thats good your your tank so usually "Pros" don't use UVs.


Exile, I don't mean to be condescending, but you were wrong several times in that post.
UV's are great for bacteria, but do nothing to parasites, unless the UV is way oversized for the tank (120watts on a 30gal might help).
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter (nitrifying) bacteria are not pelagic, and therefor would not be affected by a UV.
Please don't take this as a flame, I just wanted to correct your comments.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by exile415
I don't think it will hurt the medication. HYPO is the way to go if you have ick. I guess copper is okay too but not in your main tank. I see UVS in main tanks so it will kill free swimmming parasites and bacteria. Sometimes it kills bacteria thats good your your tank so usually "Pros" don't use UVs.
i'm no pro and i don't think anyone is unless they actually live in the sea and their best friends are fish!!! i have a gamma UV and my tank is exploding with benefits and i don't argue w/ results. i don['t know a single person who can honestly say they have not reaped to benefits of owning one!!