UV on reef?


Would anyone recommend using a UV sterilizer on a reef tank. I have a 55G with 10gal refugium and seaclone 100. At this point is it benefical, say if I ever had ich or other parasite problems with new fish, or just a waste of energy?


Active Member
i run one on my 100G reef and havent had a problem since running it... dont know if its cuz i take good care of the tank or if its because the UV helps or what.... i use it as an extra since of security so to speak with that much money into a tank


Since I already have the UV I would like to hook it up. Is it alright if I run it inline with the overflow out and to the refugium input(eliminating need for an extra pump)? The sump pumps about 400gph. In addition I will put it on a timer to turn on at night.


i use them for ponds all the time. if you are gonna hook it up i would say put on the overflow into the fuge that way your not killing beneficial bacteria leaving the fuge going to your main tank. but it might not matter either way it could be before or after fuge.

blue oasis

We have a 90gal tank and run our 18 watt UV 24/7 and have not had a problem with our coral or fish. The main reason we purchased one was we heard that Tang are prone to ich and wanted to try to reduuce the chance of that happening.
N & G


I have never heard of anyones tank doing worse after adding a UV. I use a turbo twist on the discharge of my fluval 304. I have a 55gal RT and have not seen any ill effects since adding it. If anything I have seen an improvement in algae reduction and the general well being of all tank inhabitants. Run it 24/7.