UV plumbing help please


I have a Turbo twist 18 watt UV sterilizer and I'm having trouble with the plumbing. According to the mfg flow charts, a Mag 7 will get me the right amount of flow after head loss up to the display. Here's where I'm having a problem. The outlet on the Mag 7 fits 3/4" vinyl tubing as does the flow meter I have. The UV sterilizer has a 5/8" input and output, and I can't find any reducers that change 3/4" to 5/8".

Anyone got any ideas where I could find em?
Or if someone has an easier way to plumb the UV with a dedicated pump I'd be happy to hear suggestions.
Thanks in advance


you sure they dont have a on/off value or converter to that, i thou i might have saw one that was in lowes but not sure.


I haven't found ANYTHING that will reduce it for me. I've almost found what I'm looking for but in the wrong sizes. The drs site has some but they are 3/4" to 1/2" or 1" to 3/4". I need 3/4" to 5/8". They're called reducing adapters I think, but I don't even know if ones this size exist.


trying callin like lowes or home depot and ask them if they have so sorta adapter for that size or if they can even order u one or something. does any the sizes go to 5/8?


Nah I checked Lowes and Home Depot without any luck. I know other people have these units. How did you guys plumb them in?


Active Member
You shouldn't have a UV unit in the main return line anyway. It's too much flow.
I have a TT18 as well, and I only run 100gph through it. You need slower flow so the water has more "dwell time" in front of the lamp, if you want to have any chance of the unit killing ich and other parasites.
Besides, reducing like that will decrease the flow of your Mag7, which I doubt you want.
What I'd do is setup a closed loop with a Mag 2 or even a Maxi-Jet 1200 in your sump. Draw from the sump, return to the sump.


New Member
A 5/8" tube will fit on a 3/4" fitting. Before putting it on, stick the end of the tube in hot water for a couple of mintues to soften the tubing.


So did you get it working Hook? We were going to order the 6x 18W model and I guess I will have to plumb it. Would a RIO Powerhead Mini 180 work well with this Model UV sterilizer SCSI?