UV Size?


Is there a rule to follow as far as UV Sterilizers Watt Size is concerned? Like UV Watt per gallon? Or is it a preferance thing? Thoughts on how big I should go for a 75 gallon?

dave espi

New Member
75 gal FOWLR? Id do an 8 IL with a max flow of 125 gph through it. any more and you will be killing more than the bad stuff. too sterile of a tank can cause issues when adding new inhabetants over time.


LOL eel freak, if you're going to have to justify saying no to an LFS you're going to be broke in no time! I'm far from an expert but ... there is a school of thought that the UV on a reef tank will kill most of the benificial bacteria that is needed for the live rock/sand to do their job properly.
Actually rather than a reason to say no, perhaps you could find out why your LFS seems to be so certain you need a UV?
Just my .02,
:D the thing is I like my lfs because it has a lot of things and fishes and the people there know a lot and help me a lot with the tank and any problems, but they want me to buy all of their equipment, one of the guys started telling me that corals are #1 in importing parasites to tanks, so it kind of worried me a little bit but then again it kills beneficial bacteria, so I dont know.


Hmmmmm well, I'm still in the process of setting up my tank so obviously I have no, zero, zip, nada experience to back this up but ... I've been researching this thing for about 9 months now and I have *never* seen anything about corals bringing parasites into the tank. Not that I've even scratched the surface of information/opinions out there but I've never heard of such a thing. I have however heard numerous stories of LFS' selling new hobbiest unneeded and even harmful equipment, additives, livestock and other sundry items. Personally, I think I'd wait until a few more experienced folks have jumped into this and given their opinions before I spent any money on a UV. Again, just my .02.
thanks, and anyway I wasnt going to spend my money on an uv, at least for now, any way the guy who told me that works more on the equipment but the owner said nothing about that so Im not sure, anyway just the fact that it kills good stuff makes me go agaisnt buying an uv.