My regal tang has black dot and ich. He had it since I got him as a baby. For about six months now I have been trying to help him, but no luck. I have tried everything, few weeks and the parasites are back. I am considering to get a uv steralizer, but I am not sure if it will do any harm.
120 gal
3 cleaner shrimp
2 bulls-eye pistol shrimp
2 scunk shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 electric leg crab
1 yellow,regal,naso, tangs
1 alibi angel
1 flame angel
1 yellow watchman goby
2 cleaner wrasses
lots of baby starfish and two adults(hitchhikers)
120 gal
3 cleaner shrimp
2 bulls-eye pistol shrimp
2 scunk shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 electric leg crab
1 yellow,regal,naso, tangs
1 alibi angel
1 flame angel
1 yellow watchman goby
2 cleaner wrasses
lots of baby starfish and two adults(hitchhikers)