uv steralizers..bad..good?


My regal tang has black dot and ich. He had it since I got him as a baby. For about six months now I have been trying to help him, but no luck. I have tried everything, few weeks and the parasites are back. I am considering to get a uv steralizer, but I am not sure if it will do any harm.
120 gal
3 cleaner shrimp
2 bulls-eye pistol shrimp
2 scunk shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 electric leg crab
1 yellow,regal,naso, tangs
1 alibi angel
1 flame angel
1 yellow watchman goby
2 cleaner wrasses
lots of baby starfish and two adults(hitchhikers)


If this is a reef tank then I say they are bad
A UV will kill bacteria, but first it will kill free floating algea, then free floating bacteria but it would require a longer hang time, and then finally parisites, and thats the tricky part getting the water to stay in there long enough to kill the parisites and then once again it is only the free floating parisites, not the ones on the fish or that are in the substrate.
Much of what you desire in your sandbed and on your rocks for critters will breed in your water colum, don't kill em by sticking them through UV lights.
It is also something that you don't want to just use once in a while, you either use it all the time or not at all.
Did you ask about your tang in the disease forum?


Active Member
I agree, but a UV sterilizer can also be good because it will keep your water crystal clear which means that the corals can get better light. But if you can keep clear water withour the use of a UV sterilizer then i wouldn't recommend one.
Edit- If you can't keep clear water without a UV sterilizer then you probably shouldn't be keeping corals so just forget this post. :D


Active Member
I have a UV in my FO. My PBT has remained clean and healthy (knock wood). But I've got CC in my tank, not a sand bed. I think at best it is a means of preventative maintenance, but it won't help if you have an existing problem. This is my first tank, made LOTS of mistakes here. I'm starting another tank and won't use one again. Hope your fish get better :)


i agree with boomer about what the UV light does, but I would say that if your tank is newly established a UV is a good addition...I used mine on my 29g for the first 6 months only...I am now getting one for my 60g since I have a huge algea problem...