UV Sterilize or not?


For a reef tank, should you use a UV Sterilizer if you have fish or not? Looks like I'm getting a used 180 gallon FOWLR that has a UV Sterilizer in all the package. I'm going to turn it into a reef tank, should I use it or not?


I've read, and heard from people on this MB, that they are just fine for a reef tank, you just have to add supplements and food to the tank.
I guess it's a trade-off, little to no disease and spending money on food and extra supplements, or risk of disease and spending money on meds and taking the added time of quarantine.
I'm interested to hear what people with more experience than I have to say about it...


Active Member
I have never used one on my reef tank and dont believe they are reccomended for one.
As mentioned above they will kill to many things.


New Member
I have been told they are awaste of money and time unless you have over stocked your tank! If you are only doing a fish only tank you should be able to add more fish but I would have to agree with the concensus about a reef tank!


i've read they are great for FO systems but not to use them on reef systems. Like was said above they kill to many of the little critters that live in the water. course it is those little critters that make a reef tank a functioning (mostly) biosphere
they work good ive u want a all fish tank.because to many inverts need and eat the plankton and other micro organism in the water
Everyone's basically right. we have them on our tanks at work and they don't hurt much but you've got to realize that its a fish store so we have so many things in each system coming and going that its of great benefit. if i were you i probably wouldn't use it.


I would recommend to have a UV with a lower wattage. That way it will not kill most of the good bacteria and still can kill many water borne parasites.