UV sterilizer for FO tanks?


mastino mike

Ive had great success using them. Ive never had any serious problems with ich after using a uv. Some say that its just a bandaid for other problems like stress or poor water quality. But why not use one for cutting down on glass cleaning, anything to make things a little easier.


I used one on my last tank, 90g fowlr. Deffinately seemed to cut down on the algae, glass cleaning. I never had any diseases really break out in my tank either. Knock on wood, who knows how much of that was due to the uv. Planning on using uv on all fo or aggressive tanks, for now atleast.

mastino mike

I would agree with blueface. How soon should you wait to use one on a new set up(after cylcing)?? A few months? Or use it right away? Does it really matter?


I have almost always used a UV sterilizer even on my reef tank. The thing about them however is that you must have the proper flow rate otherwise they are useless. Now I have a 36watt custom sea life double helix with a rio 800 pump. Its on my 60g tank. It helps kill free floating algea and parasites. On my reef I used one for about 8 months before I took it off. I really dont think that well established systems need a UV to be honest. Now I have it on a beginning reef. I have a hammer coral and a ricordia. I think they are great for the first few months. IMO