UV Sterilizer in a reef tank?


How do you guys feel about having a UV sterilizer on a reef tank? I have heard it is not bad to have one on there and I heard it is bad to have one on there? I like my sterilize,because I have never got ich again after I hooked it up to my water flo for my tank. That was 2 years a go. I have the same fish and no problems with them. Thanks for any info!


Yes. A red sea sailfin and a beatiful big purple tang.I am in the process of switching over to my 125 gallon tank from my 72 bow tank. I just put all the live rock in yesterday. I have damsels in there now. I cant make up my mind if I should put the uv sterilizer on there or not??


Some folks will say that a uv sterilizer will slow down the growth of coralline, but I think your fish are more important. I would hook up a uv especially since you have ich magnets.


I had a guy at the LFS tell me it take nutrients out of the water for a reef tank? Is that true?


Just like everything else in this hobby, it's got it's ups and downs.. A Uv sterelizer will do just that, virtually sterilize the water that goes through it, in turn, no matter if the organism is good or bad, it aint gonna make it.. Some say that it takes out too much good, and it inhibits growth of many things in the tank, cuz of kiling free floating organisms like pods, phyto, coraline spores, things like that.. Some people will take that, bcuz it also kills ich, and other parasites.. I personally think, if u have a healthy tank, on a routine, and quarantine all new inhabitants, that ur non stressed fish should notget ick anywway, but things happen and some people would rather just through the sterelizer on there..