UV sterilizer, QT and water temp question


I bought a 150g used system that came with a "large" UV sterilizer. I'm not sure of the wattage but the guy said it is "pond size". The glass cylinder inside is probably 12".
Anyway, I'm designing the plumbing so I can either have it bypass it or turn it on into the drain flow in case of a UV sterilization need down the road (i.e. algae outbreak).
Then I thought about setting up a line so i could run a flow from the QT tank through the sterilizer also (of course while the DT water is being bypassed from it) to kill off any loose parasites while a fish is in QT.
The QT is 20g. Would this large of a UV sterilizer cause the QT to boil? Should/could I run it for short periods only? Or would the benefits even be worth the extra work in getting all of the plumbing set up to do this? I'd appreciate thoughts on this. Thanks!


Staff member
I would not use a UV in a QT.
If you need to use antibiotics, the UV reduces the effectiveness of the antibiotics.
You can not use copper if your UV does not have a sleeve. Once you use copper in a QT then the QT can retain that copper long after treatment.


My primary goal is that QT will be used for initial quarantine and hypo treatment and don't intent to use meds (knock wood). If it comes to that, I'll shut the UV off from the QT. The intent is just an extra measure to kill off things like ick while doing the hypo. If it still seems like overkill though and not worth the extra plumbing work or will cause me overheating problems then I'll skip it...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
If you need to use antibiotics, the UV reduces the effectiveness of the antibiotics.
Beth dear heart you need to tell me more about this
Once you use copper in a QT then the QT can retain that copper long after treatment.
retain yes leach out at a
Lethal rate for fish, I have never seen any documentation as such