UV sterilizer question


New Member
Does anyone think it's a bad idea to have the intake for the UV sterilzer come from the sump and place the outake into the refugium?


I would most definately place it after mechanical filtration and before the refuguim. But probably not out of the return.


Active Member
IMO, its not that much of a big deal were you pull and dump the UV..whatever is convenant for serviceing or space for it, ect......But would consider what alimal said about the mechanical filter. UVs can get a dirty build up of detritus from the slow flow. Many do T the drain with a valve to control flow to feed a UV ( saves an extra pump )
Also algae spores can originate from a lighted tank and fuge so might consider pulling from the end of the fuge and dump into the return pump chamber.


New Member
I actually did have the return going into the return chamber but found that there were lots of micro bubbles going into my main tank. The next closest place to dump the UV outlet water was the fuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
...But would consider what alimal said about the mechanical filter. .
Thats my fault....I meant bucksters statement, sorry about the confusion.
Bubbles can be troubles....