uv sterilizer, which one?


New Member
I started a 90 gallon FOWLR a little over a month ago and all is well so far. as for equipment and livestock.
90 gallon AGA drilled
30 gallon wet/dry-sump
Euro-reef RS 80 skimmer
Ehiem 1262 return pump
250watt Visi-therm stealth heater
6 x 54watt Current Nova Pro Extreme
1- Hydor Kaoralia #3
5 stage RO/DI 100 gpd
50lb of LR (I want more room for fish to swim, but also have lots of hiding space)
60lb of LS
2- Bangaii Cardinals
2- Bar Gobies (Dart Fish)
1- Chalk Basslet
1- Cleaner Shrimp
1- Emerald Crab
20- Blue Leg Hermits
5- Scarlet Hermits
3- Mexican Turbo Snails
I'd like to use my Stimulus tax return check (thanks Pres. Bush) to pick up a UV Sterilizer, but I'm having a little trouble deciding on which one to get. I have have done some reading & research and have a list of choices I might be leaning to.
1.--Coralife Turbo-Twist 6X - 18 Watt U.V. Sterilizer
3.--AquaMedic Compact 18w UV Sterilizer
I would however like to get every & anyones feedback of the
pros & cons and experience with these UV sterilizers and if there are any other ones that I should consider.
Finally, I will not be installing mine inline with any of my existing pumps so I would like to know which pump would do best for overall parasite, algea, and etc. control, and I would like to install it in my sump if at all possible?
Thanks, ms32795


Active Member
This is a stupid question, but do you have a QT set up? Because between a UV or a QT...the QT is the better bet by a long shot IMO.


New Member
Thanks for the info so far, if anyone one else can contribute any advise, please do so. I'm gonna place an order for one of these either Monday or Tuesday of this week.
Originally Posted by ophiura
This is a stupid question, but do you have a QT set up? Because between a UV or a QT...the QT is the better bet by a long shot IMO.
I have a 5 &1/2 gallon QT for all of my small fish, which is what I have so far, I will invest in a larger (20 or 30) gallon tank if and when I decide to purchase a larger fish.
The reason I want a UV is to have a little added protection for the tank inhabitants and overall water quality.


The reason I want a UV is to have a little added protection for the tank inhabitants and overall water quality.
many people disagreed when i purchased my steralizer.... i personaly LOVE it... hope you do too, the only hard part for me was trying to figure out where i wanted to "plumb it in"... good luck!