UV Sterilizer with sump/fuge install help


Hoping with head loss, that I end up in the range you list. Gonna plop down the bucks and keep my fingers crossed.


Well, finally the UV sterilizer is in with the new 1800 GPH pump and all is fine! Doubling the GPH concerned me a bit but the flow to the DT seems just like it was with the 900 GPH pump. The UV was a pain to install because of how cramped it is and where I put it. The pump output is 1" so after splitting the output, I put reducers to 3/4" on each leg of the T and then put a ball valve on each end and a union so that getting it all apart would be easier. I sent the UV output back to the sump and since the flow was heavy, I put another T at the end of the output. Everything is great and no leaks! Hopefully doubling the flow through the sump doesn't cause any issues. Let me know what you think and thanks for the advice!



I have the pump on the right and that's where I'm feeding from to the input of the UV. The UV output is going into the left bay where my overflow also dumps into the sump. This OK?


Active Member
Ok.....your putting water that has already come through your sump (skimmer and what not) and is in the return chamber to the tank, but your pulling the water from there and when it exits the skimmer it's being dumped into the input( first chamber of your sump) and has to travel or makes it way back through the sump to the return pump again.......


Hmmm. I don't think you have it right if I'm interpreting you correct. From the main pump output, I'm splitting it with half going back to the tank and the other half going to UV. The UV output is going to the left bay of sump where the skimmer is.


Active Member
Ok....so your dumping the output of the UV into the skimmer department....Where does the water from the skimmer department run to....It makes it's way over to the return pump.....