UV Sterilizer?


Active Member
How many people use uv?
What are the positives and negativs?
Do you think they are necessary?
Do you think they are Junk?


Active Member
I don't, and never have used a uv sterilizer. I think they are overkill. Since I haven't used one I guess I'm not an expert on the subject, but just thought I'd give you .02.


Yea, I've got to agree with I Like Fish. UV kills everything and I just can't see why we'd want to kill all the "goodies" in the water. What would the filter feeders eat?
Again, fish only, it might be a good idea, but not with a reef tank.


Active Member
I have been informed UV does not kill anything it just makes it sterile, hence the name UV sterilizer it will NOT kill Phyto or anything else, it will just prevent it from reproducing. If you are adding phyto for your corals they get sucked through the filters long before they would reproduce. UV sterilizers are great for algae controll as it renders it virtually impossible for it to reproduce and is that not everybodys goal (except Bob of course) :)


Active Member
UV does not kill anything it just makes it sterile, hence the name UV sterilizer it will NOT kill Phyto or anything else, it will just prevent it from reproducing
Are you serious? :eek:


I use one. It helped control my algae....Also helped my tangs. ever since I had one I have not lost a fish do to Ick. My clam seems to get all it needs from the water. It is growing like a weed.


Active Member
UV's will kill any micro-organism that passes through, this includes bacteria, small parasites, micro algae, phyto, etc. I have used one, but took it off because I didn't notice any affect. I really don't think they do enough to cause any harm or any benefit.


I think it is like anything else. If it works for you keep it. If not get rid of it. You can resell it. Sure you will loose money but ateast you tried. I know its easy to say. I wouldn't go and make a major purchace not knowing it were to work or not. To me $100-$150 isn't to bad. You can get some back if you sell it.
Kinda like Milk. One week Dr's will say whole milk is bad for you and 2% is better. Then the next week it's the opposite.
Some people use the UV when needed. An aid for HELPING the treatment of fish, algae. It is not a cure by all means.


i use one on my sps reef, once a week.... i personally wouldnt use 24/7 but once a week or so i think it is very very benifical


Active Member
Hey clint i need to talk to you about one of my sps!
Thanks everyone
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From what all I have read, I would now say run one like over night and in the daytime leave it off, maybe 2-3 times a week. After a new addition run it a month etc. Sounds they are good against parasites, bacteria, etc.


Active Member
mabey for ich, run it at night and have it on a timer to turn off during the day. seems to me the parasite gets your fish at night, could be wrong on that. but would be good to find a good schedule for runing the UV as i just ordered mine



Originally posted by kpk
Hey clint i need to talk to you about one of my sps!
Thanks everyone
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hey man, its tough for me to get on the computer, but email me and ill get back to ya