UV sterilizer?



I had a jbj submariner uv sterilizer for about a year. I took it out because it produced microbubbles. I thought it would help control algae but I could never tell a difference. As far as controlling ick, nothing beats the qt tank
I have a qt tank set up and running but I just thought that maybe through using this I could avoid some of the pitfalls that come with the hobby,thanks for the reply.


Active Member
We bought a Coralife UV and used it near the beginning of our 55. We had been having problems with ich (QT tank seemed to be more of a problem than a help...still don't know why). We had been losing fish in our tank for a few weeks, then started running our sterilizer and haven't lost any fish since (KNOCKING ON WOOD). I have since turned off the sterilizer, as we have added corals to the tank, and I have been told that the sterilizer will kill not only detrimental critters but also the things that many corals eat. I still have the sterilizer in the tank (there just in case things go wrong).


i don't think a uv sterilizer is beneficial just as long as you have good water flow and filtration and qt tank you should be fine


Active Member
I have one plumbed right after my return pump flowing about 300gph after head and angle loss. Cut algae maintainence in half.
From what I gather you shouldn't run the UV all the time just when you start to see a problem and take it back off?