almostclueless........I have to say I am in awe at your reply. I would absolutely use a Uv and any tank whether it is reef, fish only or freshwater. Guess it is time to scholl all of you on the benefits of UV sterilzation. So here goes: As a fish hobbist ( marine fish ) of over 30 years the two easiest ways to kill your fish is via poor water quality and parasite infestation. Both easily controllable. What a Uv Sterlizer does is basically zap any and all bacteria/parasite/algae spore that flows through the unit. No i have heard others say well dont use them cause they kill good bacteria, this is total BS, good bacteria is not free floating throgh the system, good bacteria is attached to the pores in the Live rock, or Bio Balls, attached to the sand, and in some cases even the inside of the return tubing. If the bacteria is free flowing it needs to be killed, this is the bacteria which will infect fish and cause fin rot and many other fish dieases. Being that ick is the leading killer of fish in a tank enviroment, why wouldnt you want an insurance policy for your fish. The Uv sterilzer does much more good then bad. If you go to any major aquariums, Shed in Chicago, Mote Marine in Florida, or even The Long Beach Aquarium, they are using UV on all of their tanks, reef included.
Here is the problem with marine animals. When you have a reef tank you add corals and inverts to the tank, this is a natural place for ick cysts to live. Even though you quarrantine your fish, you just added a new animal that is loaded with ick. You put that fish in the tank from your qt tank ( if you choose to do that, which I think is a big waste of time and money ) once the fish gets introduced to your show tank the new fish is stressed out and has the chance of getting ick. A chemical reaction occurs in the water which indicates to the cysts to hatch and alas you have an outbreak ick. No UV Sterilzer and boom lots of sick fish.
There is no way to get ick out of the system because everytime you add a coral, anemone, or invert to the tank they are usually infested with ick cysts, therefore a UV is the best way to keep it in check.
I have over 13000 gallons of saltwater systems running in my house, I use UV on every system I have. I have yet to see any adverse affects of running UV's.