uv sterilizer


Would UV sterilization be a viable alternative to a QT tank for ich treatment (among other things)? It seems to cost about the same when all is said and done and promises to improve the water quality in the display tank, no? Just one thing, would it also kill GOOD bacteria in the water?


Active Member
Hi there,
Yes it would most probably kill the Ich parasite and all other parasites. However, it will kill good bacteria which isnt the end of the world, but you would have to feed all corals individually and turn the UV off whilst doing so.
I had the same choice and I chose the QT, basically the UV is just not great for a reef, maybe for FOWLR, but also the QT has many advantages of being able to analyse fish, isolation, emergency back up tank if the worst happens.
It might be a good idea to buy second hand tank, heater and filter, thats what i did, cost 1/4 the price :)
All the best,


reavely - A UV will kill bacteria, but first it will kill free floating algea, then free floating bacteria but it would require a longer hang time, and then finally parisites, and thats the tricky part getting the water to stay in there long enough to kill the parisites and then once again it is only the free floating parisites, not the ones on the fish or that are in the substrate.
I really don't think a UV is a good idea for any REEF tank. Why kill your plankton? If you think that a UV cost about what a QT tank would than you may have found a cheap UV, but something cheap in this hobby might just be that cheap and not worth it.
Set up your own 10 gallon QT tank with heater, filtration, and a few PVC peices, and or a fake plant, cheaper than a UV.
My opinion


Active Member
No problem!
I also considered a UV and just thought the QT made more sense!
You wont regret adding one, so then even in the direst of emergencies, you can always plonk the fish in there!
All the best,


Active Member
UV sterilizers do not belong on a reef tank in my opinion......if you have an algae problem fix the cause, don't just let it happen and try to kill the spores in the water. If you have an ich outbreak, it won't fix your fish, it will only help stop it from spreading by killing free floating stages of ich unless you try to cram your fish through the thing. All you will do is kill plankton in the water if the water speed is even correct through the UV. What is plankton? It is every live creature that reproduces into the water column such as many worms and small crustaceans like pods. Bristleworms even reproduce into the water column, and they make nice plankton for filter feeders. Pods as well. Not everything reproduces like an anemone and splits......seems like the majority sends newborns out into the water column to spread around.....they would all be killed or messed up after a ride through the UV. Sea water is not sterile, and neither will my tank be. I know you already decided, just reassuring you.:)