UV sterilizers for aggressive tank??


New Member
I have a 120G FOWLR aggressive tank. Is it a good idea to add a UV sterilizer? Here is a list of my complete setup:
100 lbs of LR
2" LS
2- Filstar XP3's
Remora Pro Skimmer
3 - Powerheads
10% water change every 3 - 4 weeks.
As far as fish. I have a snowflake eel, Lion fish, Niger Trigger, Clown Trigger. All of them are small. Thank you


New Member
Then I will get one. Which one do you guys recommend? I want one that I can attach to my canister filter.



Originally posted by JimmyY2KWS6
Then I will get one. Which one do you guys recommend? I want one that I can attach to my canister filter.

The thing you need to keep in mind when determining what size you need, is the proper flow rate for that unit. If the water passes through the unit too fast it will not have sufficient exposure to the UV lamp to kill anything. I have a 25-watt and the specs state that its max flow rate to kill protozoa is 165gph. That is pretty slow, so you need to really read the specs for the unit you are buying to determine if it is large enough. Also the lamps have a rating for the number EFFECTIVE hours it can be used before replacement is necessary. Just because it still lights up does not mean it is still working. The effectiveness of UV units is very debatable but I figure it will probably help and it can't hurt so I have one.


New Member
This is a newb question but I want to know, what exactly does the uv sterilizer do and why do people get it for aggressive setups and not for reefs or FOWLR? Just a question I have!



Originally posted by smythie14s
This is a newb question but I want to know, what exactly does the uv sterilizer do and why do people get it for aggressive setups and not for reefs or FOWLR? Just a question I have!

I have fish only tanks, no live rock. I don't know why they aren't used in reef tanks. UV sterilizers do exactly what the name says. It sterilizes the water that passes by the lamp (bacteria and parasites). Because it kills these things it lessens the chances of a parasitic or bacterial outbreak in your tank.



Originally posted by smythie14s
Ook...so is it kinda like a Ro/Di or no?

NO, an RO/DI unit is for filtering new water you are going to put in the tank. A UV is used as part of the tank filtration system. Somebody could probably provide you with a link that would diagram this.



Originally posted by SBSB
I have fish only tanks, no live rock. I don't know why they aren't used in reef tanks.

They are not "commonly" used in reef tanks as they will destroy many beneficial things in the water column that develop on a reef. Phytoplankton, larvae of pods, etc. etc.


New Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
They are not "commonly" used in reef tanks as they will destroy many beneficial things in the water column that develop on a reef. Phytoplankton, larvae of pods, etc. etc.

Will they harm beneficial Bacteria on my LR/LS??/


Not beneficial bacteria. Over time, it could reduce your pod populations. Which you probally aren't concerned about if you have a semi-aggressive setup.