UV Sterilizers


Active Member
I use a UV sterilizer that I got from Lowe's. It was made for ponds and it works great on my tank. In reality you don't notice it doing much... However I have never had a disease outbreak in my tank. I have never lost a fish due to disease. Maybe without it I wouldn't have had any diseases either but I certainly haven't with it.
They are "ok" at stopping algae but nothing beats a good clean up crew and clean water. Use only RO water, never tap water/well water and change your lights about once per year and most algae problems will be solved.
A UV light is really to control disease, not stop algae although it does both to an extent.


I too use them. I've got three tanks and use them on all three. Had ick in my display about one year ago. Added a uv and the parasite hasn't been back. :cheer: They are supposed to keep the water cleaner, but I don't really see a difference. I think of it as cheap insurance, when dealing with expensive fish. I use the turbotwist by corallife.




Originally Posted by sherwing2000
Does anybody uses this equipment?
Does controll the algae grow?
My tank is 55 galloon...

I have one! It makes the water clear and kills parasites in the water.


Active Member
UV sterilizers are a help IMO.....they can help with certain issues if run correctly.....
I'd like to ask everyone that has responded so far in this thread 1 question.....How do you know it's working? How do you know it's working effectively??
Without knowing what your water flow is going through the unit......Those of you running them are wasting time and electricity.....You have to know the exact flow going through the unit at all times and be able to regulate the flow to adjust to what your trying to kill or eliminate.....For algae control you would run at a certain flow rate, and for parasitic you'd run at another flow rate.....
So with that being said....How many of you running UV's are running flow meters on the lines leading to the UV's? Do you clean your UV's regularly as well?? Not just changing the bulbs when needed?????? :notsure: :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
So..... If I were to use a UV, would that mean that I wouldn't have a need to use a QT?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dadszx7
I too use them. I've got three tanks and use them on all three. Had ick in my display about one year ago. Added a uv and the parasite hasn't been back. :cheer: They are supposed to keep the water cleaner, but I don't really see a difference. I think of it as cheap insurance, when dealing with expensive fish. I use the turbotwist by corallife.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Sly
I use a UV sterilizer that I got from Lowe's. It was made for ponds and it works great on my tank. In reality you don't notice it doing much... However I have never had a disease outbreak in my tank. I have never lost a fish due to disease. Maybe without it I wouldn't have had any diseases either but I certainly haven't with it.
They are "ok" at stopping algae but nothing beats a good clean up crew and clean water. Use only RO water, never tap water/well water and change your lights about once per year and most algae problems will be solved.
A UV light is really to control disease, not stop algae although it does both to an extent.

What?????? You need to do your homework on the subject.....They aren't very effective at parasitic stoppage when the parasites aren't in the water column, and they are used more for water clarity........
Sorry didn't mean to be rude, but that statement is misleading and wrong!!!!!


Active Member
Excuse me oh god of the thread... I didn't mean to offend you.
It is not wrong nor is it misleading.
The UV sterilizer kills a wide range of disease-causing Bacteria AND Viruses in seconds. Kills germs like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Hepatitis, Influenza and much more. The UV Sterilizer uses discrete germicidal (254nm) ultraviolet radiation to kill or render harmless a wide range of germs, bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing microorganisms --- link not allowed
I run an 18 watt sterilizer with a water volume of 700gph at 38 watts per gallon. I clean the quartz sleeve quarterly.
I said that it will control bioorganisms which is what I've seen from it. I also have no algae problems. No, I don't want to tear the tank down and do a scientific test to measure results before and after the use of a sterilizer because frankly, I don't give a crap what you think. You come in here and tear down everone's post rather than offering anything of your own.
ICH most definitely is in the water column... And I use ozone for clarity, UV does almost nothing.


Active Member
Ich has to be in the water column for it to be killed....at times it isn't free floating so with that said it wouldn't be killed.......
And bottom line without being able to regulate the proper flow through the unit, it's worthless......
Any by golly geeze I did offer my "own" experience with UV's.......They are worthless without being regulated and such, and just like all the myth sayers that say they will kill off all your pods as well.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
Excuse me oh god of the thread... I didn't mean to offend you.
It is not wrong nor is it misleading.
The UV sterilizer kills a wide range of disease-causing Bacteria AND Viruses in seconds. Kills germs like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Hepatitis, Influenza and much more. The UV Sterilizer uses discrete germicidal (254nm) ultraviolet radiation to kill or render harmless a wide range of germs, bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing microorganisms --- link not allowed
I run an 18 watt sterilizer with a water volume of 700gph at 38 watts per gallon. I clean the quartz sleeve quarterly.
I said that it will control bioorganisms which is what I've seen from it. I also have no algae problems. No, I don't want to tear the tank down and do a scientific test to measure results before and after the use of a sterilizer because frankly, I don't give a crap what you think. You come in here and tear down everone's post rather than offering anything of your own.
ICH most definitely is in the water column... And I use ozone for clarity, UV does almost nothing.
And again no where do or did you mention that the proper flow must run through the unit for it to be effective....It's just not a device you plumb up and let it flow.....there's more to it, so tell it all.....


Active Member
A pump's achieved output, including the weight of head pressure, will regulate the flow as long as you choose a pump that is within range of the wattage provided. Proper UV sterilization falls within a range of flow rates which in the wattages we are using, means that the few gallons per hour fluctuation that normally occurs within a pump are still within range of what it takes to disenfect a tank.
No it won't kill ICH on a fish... but it will kill it in the water column where it is transmitted from one fish to another.


Active Member

Originally Posted by acrylic51
And again no where do or did you mention that the proper flow must run through the unit for it to be effective....It's just not a device you plumb up and let it flow.....there's more to it, so tell it all.....
You know what... I'm not playing this ********* game with you. This thread is between the OP and anyone who wants to help... not a stupid flame war between me and you. You want to ****** the thread do it alone because you are ignored.
Watch the language. 1Journeyman


Active Member
Each pumps flow rate is different....there aren't any 2 pumps even same manufacturer will run the same......Personally Sly I don't care if you ignore me or not....Your manufacturer crap that you qouted doesn't mean squat.....Manufactureres will say anything to get you to buy....


Active Member
I can personally state from experience that UV sterilizers do work. I have one not only in my tank but also I use one in my swimming pool. When the UV is turned off algea starts growing withing hours. When it's on the algea disappears within a few days and I don't use chlorine since it makes my skin break out. As far as flow goes I found that when I ran it wide open it actually takes longer for the algea to disappear so the slower the flow the more efficiently it works. As long as the flow is slow enough it will kill the micro organisms and algea that go through it. So it is true that without regulated flow a unit will be less effective if left to run wide open. If you are running one in your tank be sure to regulate the flow to what works.


That little skirmish is ridiculous, you're both adults no?
You both need to realize that everyone's experience is different with every marine product. Acrylic not everyone needs to turn their ball valve 45.783 micrometers to the right, and sly stipulate the full setup required of the UV sterilizer.
I will give it a try and purchase the TURBO TWIST 3x for my 55 galloon tank...I have a wet/dry filtration by Pro Clear model 125..my question is can place my uv sterilizer to my sump instead of having it in the back of my tank...By doing this setup, i don't have to buy a long 5'8 tubing...Will this be OK


My u/v's are plumbed in my sumps. They pump from the overflow into the middle section of the sump. I run them with a shut off valve about 1/2 open. The pump would 400 gph. So that would be about 200 gph, to slow it down. I clean the sleeves and everything about every two months. As stated before, with it wide open it doesn't control algae as good. I'm sorry for being misleading in the prior statement. The UV only exterminantes the ick, in the stage when it's moving from fish to fish.......