uv sterl & setup


New Member
Ok maybe i'm a dumby but bear with me here. My LFS had me set up my tank with undergravel filter and crushed coral. This was my ignorance at the time. I didn't know crap about any of this. But i'm learning. I have been set up since Nov 2004. And now want to fix this mess i'm in. I have ordered a Rena Filstar XP3 canister filter and want to get rid of the under gravel and the crushed coral. I want LS! I have about 20 lbs LR so far, oh yeah 75 gal tank. I have a dwarf fuzzy lion, valentini puffer, snowflake eel, blue damsel, and a clownfish. What can I do to switch all this over, am i screwed with what I have? And should I put a UV sterlizer on my set-up with new filtration?


Active Member
No, you aren't screwed with what you have but it will take some time to get the tank changed to a new filter and live sand. In order to keep your fish happy and healthy, you will want to slowly transition your tank. Go ahead and get the canister filter running as soon as you get it. After a couple weeks (preferably 3-4, don't clean the filter at all) remove the crushed coral and undergravel filter, and make sure to suck all the detritus (fish waste, looks like black sludge) out of the bottom before adding the live sand. The tank might be a little cloudy, but should clear up within a day or two. A UV sterilizer would definitely be a plus, but is not mandatory.


Active Member
No, you won't need to move the fish. They should all be fine, but just make sure you have some premixed saltwater ready to do a decent sized water change when you change out the crushed coral.