Uv ?


I have a 75g fish only tank. Was going through some supplies in the basement and found i have a coralife 36w UV. Went online and found it is rated for up to 500g. I know i need to change the bulb, but can i use it. I am running some canisters so i could put it inline on one of the returns. Any thoughts on using a UV appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sure, if you got it, use it.
It will clarify the water - it will also kill all free floating parasites and hair algae spores. So,... I don't see why you would not be able to use it.


Ok, just didnt know if i needed a specisl flow rate or anything. i know i had it on a much bigger planted discus tank a few years ago. I dont have much room for it under the cabinet as it is pretty big, but i am sure i can figure something out. The replacement bulb is about $60, ouch.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Special flow rates - I think I remember faster flow for algaes and parasites and slower rates for bacteria or something like that.
You should find your make/model on the internet and read the recommended use and flow rate or at least try to find the manual online. Good luck!


I called the mfr. today. Basically it is rated for 500 gallons. It should have a flow rate of 450-1200 gph going through the UV. However when i told him it was going on a 75g he said if i had a 3x tank turnover rate i should be ok. So i hooked it up to the return of an XP4. I know they are rated at 450 gph but i dont know what they actually are at the head. I know i have an Ehein 2028 which definitely puts out more water than the XP4 and are only rated for 275 gph. I believe the Eheim is a true head rating and the XP4 is a bypass rating. I am hoping that the XP4 puts out at least 240 gph. at the head. It is up and running anyways, so i figure whatever it is it cant hurt.