Vacation in the overflow box

I woke up yesterday morning only to find that my new baby clown fish is missing from the tank. I panicked thinking that my rouge clown ate him or something.....anyways, I was searching and searching then I pulled out the flash light shining it through the tank skimming by the back of the overflow.....there he is!!! go figure, the little booger got sucked up, I netted him out and he's fine now........I thought it was pretty funny......anyone else ever had a funny experience with there fish?

tony detroit

Active Member
HA! the same thing happened to me last week but I just thought it was a dumb mistake. My girlfriend washed the screen for the intake on my cpr overflow box and when she put it back in it wasn't in that far. There was a slight gap on the side. We hadn't seen our chromis for about a week. I figured my tubeworm ate him or my bamboo shark did. Then I was changing filter floss in the overflow and there he was, bouncing around in about 3/4'' of water. I couldn't believe it. He is now fine, tough little guy.


Active Member
haha, maybe TV DOES have an affect to our children's behavior... or in this case... our children meaning... w/e u get


many years ago i put a snowflake eel in my tank, he disappeared a few days later?? i looked every where (my tank had a built in to the back wet/dry filter) anyway i was taking the tank apart about 3 months later and i find the eel in the bottom sump part of the w/d built in, happy and bigger than ever


my story doesn't have a happy ending but my snowflake went over the overflows down into the W/D throught the bioballs past the skimmer and head first into the mag 12 what a mess at 5AM to clean up tearing the sump apart to pull him out. :(