Vacation Worries


Hi All,
Not sure if this is the right place in the forum to ask but I am going away for about 10 days and want to make sure my tank is okay while I am away. I have no one to take care of it while I am gone and I am wondering if there is some sort of feeding thing to take care of them while I am away. I plan on using a timer for the lights but I am not sure about the feeding. Any ideas or recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Fish can survive for 10 days without food, however you are going to be gone for 10 days and don't know when you are coming back. If I were you, I would get a trusted live fish store to come to your house on day 5 to feed and service the tank and make sure everything is alright.
An auto top off feeder will break and sling more food into your tank than your fish can eat, causing ammonia spikes and essentially killing your fish.
Having lights on a timer is almost an absolute must when dealing with aquariums.


Active Member
also evaporation during the 10 days could be a problem. +1 on looking up a trusted LFS to help.
I worry whenever Im gone for more than 2 days.


Active Member
10 days is a long time. what u can do is dilute the sg to about 1.018 a few days b4 u leave. that way, sg will not shoot up a lot even with evaporation.