vacations=death! and pics


I went away for vacation a couple weeks ago and got home this week. Apparently everything goes wrong when ou leave home. I had some new eagle eye zoas that wre given to me that were growing when i left, when i got home i had 2 left, now they are al gone. I found one zoa eating nudi, but on the oppostire side of the tank. I think the heat is what got to them. The tank is by a window and everything on the side of the tank by the window is slightly more closed up but everything is still alive thank goodness. Got the temperature under control and everything looks better!
But something good did come from the whole ordeal. I bought 2 mushroom rocks and shipped them back with me from Toledo OH to Athens GA. Figured it would be about the same as overnight shipping. The LFS was very helpful, put each rock in its own thick bag that Koi are shipped in with several gallons of water each. When I got them in the tank they were imediately open! I will definately do it again! We never have such large rocks around here for such a cheap price!
there are 3 large shrooms on this rock

you can kind of see the neon green mouths

there are at least 10 shrooms on this one. they are more orange than the picture shows. i like the seafoam and pink centers a lot.


My arms aren't long enough to reach that algae!


Sorry about your zoas, nice shrooms though. Did the kenya trees come on that rock too, what did you pay for them.


thanks. the kenya trees are all over my tank. they are babies from my big one. I'm trying to get rid of them, i have way too many!


i'm using a canon rebel xt. it doesn't work very well with my nano cube b/c of the curved glass, but with flat glass it takes amazing pics. i'll find some and put them up here.
and those xenias! i've had them 2 weeks and they have already split. crazy things! i had them before and did really well and sudeenly they all died. it was a nice break, but i felt like i missed them so got these guys for free.