Valentini Puffer


New Member
Ok, so I added a Valentini Puffer to my tank...much to my dismay, he ate my choc chip starfish within just a few hours! Anyway, he is now acting very odd, just kinda hangin out by a rock and stays kind of stationary. I was worried about his diet so I got him some pellets and some frozen krill but he didn't seem too interested. Could he may still be in shock as I just added him yesterday morning? Anyone have any input? I actually ordered him from and it says care level is easy...I'm just a little worried...


Active Member
I'm not sure about the rest the way he's acting now, but I do know that they will eat starfish and they need a diet that includes shelled fish so they can grind their teeth, otherwise their teeth grow too big for them to eat. So, if you didn't already know that, keep it in mind or you could end up w/a major problem on your hand.


New Member
We floated him 20 min., moved him to a small bucket and then to the big tank - He seemed absolutely fine until today when he started hugging the rock and not moving around very much.


Active Member
What mopar is interested in is how long you aclimated him as well. I am not experienced enough to tell you, but if your acclimation time wasn't an hour or 2 (or even more if the water parameters were really different) then he could have acclimation shock.


New Member
What you're seeing maybe normal puffer striped puffer will be a sand potato after he eats....he lays around most of the time and just isn't really him for a few days and make sure he keeps his appetite...


New Member
This is the second day and my puffer is still laying on the bottom kind of motionless - There is krill and pellets for him to eat, but he did fill up on my star fish his first day in. Still worried, and will keep an eye on him. Regarding acclimation shock...he seemed great the first 24 hours and was eating well and doing fine. Will they go into acclimation shock even after all that?


New Member
Sorry to report. My puffer didn't make it. Learning something new every day, but love this hobby. Thanks everyone