Vanishing Algae in Fuge


yeffre kix

I've got a refugium for nitrate removal and to feed fresh algae to my future tangs. The problem is the algae doesn't live in the fuge for long. I've heard people talk about removing excess algae from the fuge for nitrate removal but mine just sort of disappears within a few weeks. Nitrates run about 15 and the PC lights are on about 10 hrs a day. I first tried red and green gracialara, then I tried caulerpa. Both types just wasted away. Any thoughts ?

yeffre kix

I'll give the lighting a boost to 24/7 and see about the results. Could it be the type of algae I'm using? I've been doing some other reading about Chaetomorpha algae. I just wanted the gracialaria for tangs.


I had a problem with pods eating the alage do you have them growing inthe tank?
They like that I found out differant type of alage or also if you have turbo snails that like it too.
Do you put calcium in where do you put it in?
Watch where that not go in the refugium straight in not mixed up it will burn it I know.I have a 10 gal tank setup when this was happen to me to save the alage I had that did not die now it is growing wild with a day light tube that can with the tank, small pump, LR and 1" of sand I add R/o water to replace and use main tank for a 1 gal change.


Active Member
I use Caulurpa Prolifera in all my Algal scruber fuges...Even though most every one will tell you it'll go sexual and contaminate the tank...
I've been playing with the "system" for a couple years, and have found that with 24/7 lighting of 4-5 watts per gallon, I t does not and has not for the past several years...
It grows exceptionally fsat (but I haven't "raced" it against gracileria or chato) anf the nutrient export is at an acceptable and "desired" I've found it to be very effective...
I have run various combos of lighting types and bulb temps over it on a couple diferent tanks and am geting good results with PC lighting...I have run "new" 10 Ks as well as 50/50 and 6500k bulbs...
My current setups are using OLD worn out 10K bulbs that probably have shifted to the yellow range as well as a couple 6500ks ...They did god with the new 10Ks and "seem" to be doing "better" with the long expired get some 10K PCs and forget about need to change...or use old bulbs from tank as you put newer on display...
I do have an out of date 10K MH setup I've been meaning to try on one fuge...I may have to set that up over the holiday weekend here and then run comparisons against the PCs..Stay tuned...

I should mention this is an old "stock" picture I keep throwing up...When the fuge is ready for harvest...this tank is wall to wall Macro loaded with pods...and then cut back to about half what you see here...every couple weeks...
Other conciderations for effective malnutrient thru Macro harvesting is feeding "raw" tank water from overflow and amount of flow thru fuge...


I had the same problem with mine when I first set it out. but I added a little of iron from Kent. and it started growing like crazy.I have to take about half of it out every 2-3 weeks. and 24/7 lighting is a must.