VENTING over ***** !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
If you're going to bash ***** then don't forget about all the LFS's that do the same thing as ophiura has said in just about every ***** thread that has been started.

Yeah, but I just don't have the strength to repeat it yet again.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Yeah, but I just don't have the strength to repeat it yet again.

I'm with you ophiura. I can't stand these threads about ***** and cringe everytime I see a new one. When are you folks going to learn that this is not a new thing. We all know about ***** and don't need a new thread every week to remind us.
Is that too harsh?
I guess I am just plain sick and tired of ***** threads.


Originally Posted by TX Reef
I guess I am just plain sick and tired of ***** threads.

Bottom line; it's like anything else you buy, you have to shop around for the best deals on the best products. Do you want convieniance, or quality? Most of the time, the two don't work together.
Example; I manage a camera specialty store. Ppl come in constantly and say, "I went to wal-mart, best buy, etc. and no one could answer my questions!" :mad:
My response; "You honestly expected them to???"
At big box stores, employees are there for 2 reasons, and ONLY 2 reasons, to stock shelves and work cash registers. If you find someone that actually knows a product, or even cares, you have found the needle in the haystack.
Words to live by;

There are tons of wal-mart's, *****'s, petland's, and 7 lfs in my city. I won't shop wally world for a roll of tape, so fish are out of the question. Once in awhile I do get hardgoods or food from simply because I don't need help, just cheap price on something they can't screw up.
Of the 7 lfs's in my area, I only buy from 3, as the others don't meet my standards for clenliness and knowledge!

OK, off my soap box now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by elvictre
Somebody has something against people making money. Do you think the 7 figure salaries are handed out for fun or because those people are producing and earning it.
No problem here with people making money but the problem is that those people are not producing or earning!!
Henry Ford understood completely. When he hired people on to the factory and began paying them enough to buy the car those people where helping him to produce; his peers called him and idiot.
"You don't have to pay the unwashed masses that kind of money." When those same unwashed masses began buying his model T in mass he quickly became a genius in the eyes of those same peers.
Capitalism and "making money" can only work in the presence of business ethics and a sense of morality. In the absence of that it becomes profiteering at its worst and is what we have going on in this country today.
As I said; when the people these corporations depend on to buy there product are destroyed by low wages the best they an hope for is going out of business. The worst is that someone like Fidel Castro or Carl Marx comes along and convinces a majority to nationalize those corporation and then they could vary well find themselves with a bullet in the back of there head in some Marxist basement.
Cant happen here?? That is exactly what the Romanovs said in the early nineteen hundreds. And where did they find themselves? With a bullet in the back of the head in some Marxist basement.


You can say whatever you want about them but guess what ...Just a couple weeks back everyone was on that bandwagon taking advantage of $1 per gallon and I myself made out like a bandit with a 250 dollar strecthed hex for 40 bucks... Even the oceanic cubes with glass top and light were selling for 33 bucks.. Tell me if you weren't there buying it up!! Riiiiight. Anyhow theres ups and downs.. everyone who hates them should just stop whining about it and go to another store.


Shopping at ***** is like shopping at Walmat. No one who works there knows anything about what they are selling. Its not like ***** has anything worth buying. If there are two places not worth shopping at its ***** and Walmart the both hire cheak know nothing labor.


You might find some good deals at ***** like $1 per gallon tanks but can some one in the store help you set that tank up "NO" can some one in a ***** store recomend what fish are reef safe and which are not reef safe "NO".
Lets look at the facts about ***** VS your LFS
1 ***** can’t provide the professional help that most reef keepers as well as freshwater fish keepers need.
2 Your LFS will provide the customer with the proper guidance to assemble a quality maintained tank.
3 You LFS if it’s a good shop mill not sell you fish that are sick and don’t look so good.
4 ***** is all about making the money like any other company. LFS are about getting the return customers to keep coming back.


what's wrong with selling dead fish? i mean, there's only a problem if someone bought it.
and if you're actually prepared to buy a dead fish then i say you deserve a dead fish.


I rthnk the fish ofered by ***** are diverse. Where else do yu find fuzzy varieties of fish like a fuzzy clown, fuzzy goby etc. Heck they even have diverse rare strains of algaes only found in their stores. Whats even rarer is those haf fish that they seem to have a monopoly on. I have seenhalf triggers, half clowns, half tangs, half firefish, and then there is the front half species, back half or middle portion species as well. So quit knocking *****, they go to great extremes to bring their patrons all these lovely rare fish, and algaes, and their diseases are just the talk of the town., They have some strains that are unique in the way they turn their heads to any and all known medications. So stop complaining about *****, they are doing what they are best at and thats briinging unique and rare fish to a store near you at reasonable prices.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
I rthnk the fish ofered by ***** are diverse. Where else do yu find fuzzy varieties of fish like a fuzzy clown, fuzzy goby etc. Heck they even have diverse rare strains of algaes only found in their stores. Whats even rarer is those haf fish that they seem to have a monopoly on. I have seenhalf triggers, half clowns, half tangs, half firefish, and then there is the front half species, back half or middle portion species as well. So quit knocking *****, they go to great extremes to bring their patrons all these lovely rare fish, and algaes, and their diseases are just the talk of the town., They have some strains that are unique in the way they turn their heads to any and all known medications. So stop complaining about *****, they are doing what they are best at and thats briinging unique and rare fish to a store near you at reasonable prices.



I have seen alges that are so black its like looking in the the black whole. ***** fish are a huge risk for any reef keeper or non reefkeeper to buy.


New Member
OK...I have only been a member on here for about a couple of hours but I'm already extremely frustrated with all of the ***** BS. I'm 19 years old and have worked at a couple of different LSF over the past four years. I started in this business when I was 15 and have been OBSESSED with it ever since. I have 4 saltwater tanks and 3 fresh water tanks. And guess where I have been working for the past year...yep...*****. I am the Head of the aquatics department and aquatic, reptile, small animal, and avian specialist. Yes, I am only 19 and no I don't make that much money but the money means NOTHING to me. I do this because i LOVE it and I LOVE sharing my knowlege with other people! I work my BUTT off all the time there and my aquatic department is IMMACULANT!! Yes, we do occationally get ich, but I would LOVE to see anyone be able to care for over 100 tanks, recieve new fish once a week, all while serving customers and never have an ich outbreak! And as for all ***** employees being "idiots", I take the time to explain to upset customers why they cant set up a 10 gallon saltwater tank and expect to stock it the next day, and a million other questions people ask. Unless you've been in our shoes...don't judge us! I'm sorry if yall think I'm being rude but you don't understand how frusterating and upsetting it is to hear people complaining soo much when I do all I can to to exceed expectations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by little_fishy01
OK...I have only been a member on here for about a couple of hours but I'm already extremely frustrated with all of the ***** BS. I'm 19 years old and have worked at a couple of different LSF over the past four years. I started in this business when I was 15 and have been OBSESSED with it ever since. I have 4 saltwater tanks and 3 fresh water tanks. And guess where I have been working for the past year...yep...*****. I am the Head of the aquatics department and aquatic, reptile, small animal, and avian specialist. Yes, I am only 19 and no I don't make that much money but the money means NOTHING to me. I do this because i LOVE it and I LOVE sharing my knowlege with other people! I work my BUTT off all the time there and my aquatic department is IMMACULANT!! Yes, we do occationally get ich, but I would LOVE to see anyone be able to care for over 100 tanks, recieve new fish once a week, all while serving customers and never have an ich outbreak! And as for all ***** employees being "idiots", I take the time to explain to upset customers why they cant set up a 10 gallon saltwater tank and expect to stock it the next day, and a million other questions people ask. Unless you've been in our shoes...don't judge us! I'm sorry if yall think I'm being rude but you don't understand how frusterating and upsetting it is to hear people complaining soo much when I do all I can to to exceed expectations.

you are the needle in the haystack my friend. dont let the people whining about petstores bother you, if they arent smart enough to figure out who is a good store or worker in a given store then thats really their problem. I hope the sally's with negative attitudes doesnt dissuade you from being an active member of this board. most of the expirienced and intellegent people on this board are sick of all the LFS bashing. Its pointless and accomplishes nothing. there has long been a standing motto when shopping "buyer beware" any that fall into the trap of not researching and knowing what they are buying or turn into repeate customers at places that they hate are well... never mind. welcome to the boards.


Active Member
Oh no! This thread has come back from the dead

We should make a horror film out of it:
VENTING OVER ***** II: The Resurrection