vermiculated ANGEL!! has to go


any one out there HELP ME!!!
:mad: i have a 150 Gallon tank, With TONS A ROCK!!!! i need to get this angel OUT!!! its picking my corals to death any ideas without emptyin my tank!!"""??? HELPPP!! :thinking: :help:


OK oneradtek, i have been sitting here with worm on and still have a problem angel!!!!! any more ideas???


Put a piece of Coral on the hook????
No for real try the two littler bottle fish trap thing. Put his fav food in there and leave it as long as it takes. I think you have changed my mind about getting one of these for my reef thank you your pain and suffering has at least paid off in some way lol


i have caught every other fish in it, but as soon as he goes in, and i make a move WOWwwweeeee hes ota there, any other ideas out there??


Originally Posted by dmcrete
OK oneradtek, i have been sitting here with worm on and still have a problem angel!!!!! any more ideas???

Get a piece of plexiglass the width of your tank, Get the angel to go to the side where ther is the least amount of rock. Then place the plex in cut the tank down to size. Remove the rock remove the fish. I did this for a hippo with ich and works great.


Active Member
if that doesnt work remove all your live rock and corals and net the fish.I had to do this to remove an emerald crab and a brittle star.lots of rubber maid tubs oh yeh while your at it might as well do a water change will need to take water out of your tank for the corals to sit in.I had to remove over 200lbs of LR all covered with corals


Active Member
i can catch any fish in a tank within a half hr, just gotta have skill.. get a big net or two, do some magic... don't be scared of the fish!


Active Member
i had to do this to catch an eibli angel. i have a 55 gallon so its not that big to work with. i just moved some of the rock at one end of the tank so i had about a 1 foot cleared area. i then used some of that plastic grating (like the kind use for sump divders or in flourescent light fixtures). i cut it to fit tightly in the tank, put some bait (frozen food and dried seaweed) in the clearing, then lowered the grate (easy since the water can pass through it). took me about 8 tries to catch the thing. but it was worth it ($50-$60 worth of coral later). pick a spot where the fish spends a lot of its time. and leave the grating partially down before you lower it all the way.


thanks for all your advice!!! i caught him, in a 2 litre cranapple jug i cut in half and turned inside out, Whewwww he was smart BUT not smart enough, Thanks GUYS!!


i captured it and give him to my daughter Gamedawg!!!
i loved it BUT!! he was always pickin on my corals, i have lots a baby critters growing on my rock now!!! she has a fish only tank and he is doin great
Thanks for writing
i do have a question though,
i just started runin mh lights 1 week ago, and all my fish swim at the top of the tank alot more WELL i guess i should say,,, i never seen them swim the top like they do now?? everything is healthy, But they spend a lot of time at the top ,, Any one else seen this happen?? :notsure: