Vermited snails help!


Theses little bastards are getting the best of me, I've been super gluing like crazy, blasting with boiling water and I'm losing the battle. Everyday I have to clean the mucus off my corals or they stay shriveled up and I fear will die. Does anyone have any info I have yet to come across to get rid of these things?


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about trying like an aiptasia x product or something along those lines? It's basically a chemical that kills most anything in it's path.


Well-Known Member
vermited snails....meaning sundials? Or is this diff? I diped my zoo colony and the sundial snail came off much easier!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/386155/vermited-snails-help#post_3390062
vermited snails....meaning sundials? Or is this diff? I diped my zoo colony and the sundial snail came off much easier!
They aren't sundials .. Besides hitting them with glue or manually breaking them off there's really nothing that can be done IMO. They tend to disappear or reduce in numbers over time though. The mucus web is how they eat (filter feeders).


I've heard copper banded butterflies eat them but its hit and miss, I don't want to spend 50 bucks on a fish that might eat my feather dusters and who knows what else. I'll continue the fight and hope they decrease in numbers.


I've since pulled my filters, power heads and other equipment out to clean and found literally hundreds more of these guys and killed them, along with a handful on my rocks. Every mourning Im still removing tons of the mucus and its killed my favorite feather duster and some zoos also bringing my coral growth to a halt. I fear this may be it for my tank, I'm slowly losing this battle