Very cloudy water after mixing salt.


I followed the same routine as always...
Using 29 Gal. RODI water in tank (used for holding RODI top off water unless mixing salt for water change) that has a Maxijet 1200 for circulation and an 18" air stone across the bottom. Tank also has a heater keeping the water at 78 degrees.
Added 1/2 cup of Reef Crystals per gallon. Water turned cloudy as milk as soon as the salt mix was add.
It has been 12 hours and the water has not cleared.
Any ideas?
james =)


The only time my water clouds (for more than an hour) is when I have added way too much salt, in which case I obviously just add RO til I get it right, OR if I add like 10 cups at once.


It has been 24 hours. My water has been circulating in my mix tank. It test actually a tad low for me at 1.023.
I have NEVER had this happen before. I was planning a water change tonight but I'm not sure I should use this water.
OH OH--Additional info that I didn't include before.
I also add Marine Buffer and Reef Builder. Same procedure that I always follow. Just this time, my water turns out cloudy as milk.


Learn something every day.
I just talked with the folks at Instant Ocean (makers of Reef Crystals). I FLAT GOOFED. Now, why this has not happened before is not clear.
What I was told is that I should NOT use Marine Buffer nor Reef Builder when mixing Reef Crystals. PERIOD.
Instant Ocean guy just told me that when I added the salt mix, the calcium fell out of the solution--there was just way too much. He also told me that if I turn off all the circulation, the excess will settle out BUT a whole lot of other good stuff that I need will settle out too.
His advice, "Discard this water and start over with just RO or RO/DI water without anything else added.
Lesson learned!
james =)