Very High ammonia while cycling - not dropping


Have done 3 water changes all up in the last week:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 10
Nitrite: 5.0
pH: 8.0
The ammonia has been on 0 for 2-3 days now, how long would it normally take for the nitrite to drop? Water changes don't seem to make it drop (and the water changes aren't making the Nitrates drop any more, but these aren't a hassle at 10 are they?


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
Have done 3 water changes all up in the last week:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrate: 10
Nitrite: 5.0
pH: 8.0
The ammonia has been on 0 for 2-3 days now, how long would it normally take for the nitrite to drop? Water changes don't seem to make it drop (and the water changes aren't making the Nitrates drop any more, but these aren't a hassle at 10 are they?
Ashleigh, I am so sorry that I didn't see this earlier. Nitrite takes longer to drop than ammonia in some cases. If you do not have more ammonia feeding it then it should be a week or so. Nitrates need to be physicaly removed via water changes. Start doing them. If there are no fish in there then do 40-50% changes.


There is a damsel in the tank, I have done 3 x 10% water changes in the last week (probably the last half a week really). Will it take longer with a fish in there?


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
There is a damsel in the tank, I have done 3 x 10% water changes in the last week (probably the last half a week really). Will it take longer with a fish in there?
He lived through that? You better spoil the heck out of that fish!
Keep doing changes. I have done 50% changes in a qt when needed. The quality of the water is very important.


Yea, very surprised he is still alive, still swimming and eating happily as ever too. Will a 50% water change in a 20g tank be too much? or just do maybe 20% 2-3 times a week until we see a change?


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
Yea, very surprised he is still alive, still swimming and eating happily as ever too. Will a 50% water change in a 20g tank be too much? or just do maybe 20% 2-3 times a week until we see a change?
I have a 20 and a 15 long qt. I do 50% changes in them as needed when things are in there. Don't do that large of a change in your display, but it is fine in a qt as long as the parameters are identical.