very new to salt water


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I didnt take into consideration that different salts will have different amounts of elements.My salt dosent have that high of a concentration of calcium,so i was wondering.
Yea I got lucky my LFS had only 1 brand obviously the one they recomend. Being new to the hobby myself I went on that notion alone over a year ago. It just has been working out for me ever since. However, results my vary... LOL I feel like the little disclosure claim at the end of a diet pill commercial

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yea I got lucky my LFS had only 1 brand obviously the one they recomend. Being new to the hobby myself I went on that notion alone over a year ago. It just has been working out for me ever since. However, results my vary... LOL I feel like the little disclosure claim at the end of a diet pill commercial

There is a post on -- from Bertoni that has all the different readings from all the different salt mixes,i was amazed at the differences.Im usein Red Sea Coral Pro at the moment,it was a huge upgrade from Crystal Sea. New water mixes went from Ca.340/460 and Mag 1037/1250.